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Research Publications

The Role of Cognitive and Visual Abilities as Predictors in the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety

Anstey, K.J., Horswill, M., Wood, J. and Hatherly, C. (2012). Accident Analysis and Prevention, March 2012. 

The Association of Health and Employment in Mature Women: A Longitudinal Study

Pit, S.W. and Byles, J. (2012). Journal of Women's Health, March 2012. 

Right, Left, and Centre: How does Cerebral Asymmetry Mix with Callosal Connectivity?

Cherbuin, N., Luders, E., Chou, Y.Y., Thompson, P.M., Toga, A.W. and Anstey, K.J. (2012). Human Brain Mapping, March 2012. 

Opportunities in Fall Prevention for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. [Invited editorial].

Peterson, E., Finlayson, M. L., Elliot, J. E., Painter, J., and Clemson, L. (2012). The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March 2012. 

Interventions for Preventing Falls in Older People Living in the Community

Gillespie, L.D., Robertson, M.C., Gillespie, W.J., Sherrington, C., Gates, S., Clemson, L.M. and Lamb, S.E. (2012). Cochrane Database of Systematic Review, March 2012.

Intergenerational and Intercultural Encounters: Connecting Students and Older People through Language Learning

Cordella, M., Radermacher, H., Huang, H., Browning, C.J., Baumgartner, R., De Soysa, T. and Feldman, S. (2012). Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, March 2012. 

Financial Competence and Expectations Formation: Evidence from Australia

Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Geweke, J., Louviere, J., Satchell, S. and Thorp, S. (2012). The Economic Record, March 2012. 

Deriving Prevalence Estimates of Depressive Symptoms Throughout Middle and Old Age in Those Living in the Community

Burns R.A., Butterworth P., Windsor T.D., Luszcz M., Ross L.A., Anstey K.J. (2012). International Psychogeriatrics, March 2012. 

Combining longitudinal studies showed prevalence of disease differed throughout older adulthood

Bielak, A. A. M., Byles, J. E., Luszcz, M. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2012). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, March 2012.