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Research Publications

Changing Topological Patterns in Normal Aging Using Large-Scale Structural Networks

Zhu, W., Wen, W., He, Y., Xia, A., Anstey, K. J. and Sachdev, P. (2012). Neurobiology of Aging, May 2012. 

Rethinking Age-Period-Cohort Mortality Trend Models

Alai, D.H. and Sherris, M. (2012). Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, April 2012. 

Prostate Specific Antigen Levels in Men Aged 70 Years and Over: Findings from The CHAMP Study.

Litchfield, M., Cumming, R.G., Smith, D., Naganathan, V., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Blyth, F. and Handelsman, D.J. (2012). Medical Journal of Australia, April 2012. 

Prevalence of Suicidal Behaviours in Two Australian General Population Surveys: Methodological Considerations when Comparing Across Studies

Fairweather-Schmidt, A. and Anstey, K.J. (2012). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, April 2012. 

Exercise to Enhance Mobility and Prevent Falls After Stroke: The Community Stroke Club Randomized Trial

Dean, C.M., Rissel, C., Sherrington, C., Sharkey, M., Cumming, R.G., Lord, S.R., Barker, R.N., Kirkham, C. and O'Rourke, S. (2012). Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, April 2012. 

Evaluating a Dichotomized Measure of Self-Reported Hearing Loss against Gold Standard Audiometry: Prevalence Estimates and Age Bias in a Pooled National Dataset

Kiely, K., Anstey, K, Gopinath, B, Mitchell, P. and Browning, C. (2012). Journal of Aging and Health, April 2012. 

Effects of Drug Burden Index on Cognitive Function in Older Men

Gnjidic, D., Le Couteur, D.G., Naganathan, V., Cumming, R.G., Creasey, H., Waite, L.M., Sharma, A., Blyth, F.M. and Hilmer, S.N. (2012). Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, April 2012. 

Collaborative Governance of Ageing: Challenges and Dilemmas for Local Government in Partnering with the Seniors' Sector

Everingham, J., Warburton, J., Cuthill, M. and Bartlett, H. (2012). Local Government Studies, April 2012. 

'We Want a Peaceful Life Here and Hereafter': Healthy Ageing Perspectives of Older Malays in Malaysia

Tohit, N., Radermacher, H. and Browning, C. (2012). Ageing and Society, April 2012.