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Research Publications

Changes in reproductive hormone concentrations predict the prevalence and progression of the frailty syndrome in older men: The concord health and ageing in men project

Travison, T.G., Nguyen, A.H., Naganathan, V., Stanaway, F.F., Blyth, F.M., Cumming, R.G., Le Couteur, D.G., Sambrook, P.N., and Handelsman, D.J. (2011). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, August 2011. 

Stochastic Mortality, Macroeconomic Risks and Life Insurer Solvency

Hanewald, K., Post, T., and Gründl, H. (2011). The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, July 2011. 

Longevity risk and the econometric analysis of mortality trends and volatility

Njenga, C. N., and Sherris, M. (2011). Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, July 2011. 

Research and evaluation priorities: The Report of the Productivity Commission on Care of Older People

Kendig, H. (2011). Australasian Journal on Ageing, June 2011. 

Human capital, taxes and labour supply

Keane M. (2011). Economic Record, June 2011. 

Explaining mortality dynamics: the role of macroeconomic fluctuations and cause of death trend

Hanewald, K., Post, T., and Gründl, H. (2011). North American Actuarial Journal, April 2011.