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Research Publications

Exercise to Enhance Mobility and Prevent Falls After Stroke: The Community Stroke Club Randomized Trial

Dean, C.M., Rissel, C., Sherrington, C., Sharkey, M., Cumming, R.G., Lord, S.R., Barker, R.N., Kirkham, C. and O'Rourke, S. (2012). Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, April 2012. 

Evaluating a Dichotomized Measure of Self-Reported Hearing Loss against Gold Standard Audiometry: Prevalence Estimates and Age Bias in a Pooled National Dataset

Kiely, K., Anstey, K, Gopinath, B, Mitchell, P. and Browning, C. (2012). Journal of Aging and Health, April 2012. 

Effects of Drug Burden Index on Cognitive Function in Older Men

Gnjidic, D., Le Couteur, D.G., Naganathan, V., Cumming, R.G., Creasey, H., Waite, L.M., Sharma, A., Blyth, F.M. and Hilmer, S.N. (2012). Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, April 2012. 

Collaborative Governance of Ageing: Challenges and Dilemmas for Local Government in Partnering with the Seniors' Sector

Everingham, J., Warburton, J., Cuthill, M. and Bartlett, H. (2012). Local Government Studies, April 2012. 

'We Want a Peaceful Life Here and Hereafter': Healthy Ageing Perspectives of Older Malays in Malaysia

Tohit, N., Radermacher, H. and Browning, C. (2012). Ageing and Society, April 2012. 

The Role of Cognitive and Visual Abilities as Predictors in the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety

Anstey, K.J., Horswill, M., Wood, J. and Hatherly, C. (2012). Accident Analysis and Prevention, March 2012. 

The Association of Health and Employment in Mature Women: A Longitudinal Study

Pit, S.W. and Byles, J. (2012). Journal of Women's Health, March 2012. 

Right, Left, and Centre: How does Cerebral Asymmetry Mix with Callosal Connectivity?

Cherbuin, N., Luders, E., Chou, Y.Y., Thompson, P.M., Toga, A.W. and Anstey, K.J. (2012). Human Brain Mapping, March 2012. 

Opportunities in Fall Prevention for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. [Invited editorial].

Peterson, E., Finlayson, M. L., Elliot, J. E., Painter, J., and Clemson, L. (2012). The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March 2012.