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Research Publications

Olfactory Impairment is Associated with Functional Disability and Reduced Independence among Older Adults

Gopinath, B., Anstey, K.J., Kifley A. and Mitchell, P. (2012). Maturitas, January 2012. 

Occupational Therapy Discharge Planning for Older Adults: A Protocol for a Randomised Trial and Economic Evaluation

Wales, K., Clemson, L., Lannin, N. A., Cameron, I. D., Salkled, G., GiItlin, L., Rubenstein, L., Barras, S., Mackenzie, L. and Davies, C. (2012). BMC Geriatrics, January 2012.

Cross-National Insights into the Relationship between Wealth and Wellbeing: A Comparison between Australia, the United States of America and South Korea

Kim, S., Sargent-Cox, K.A., French, D. J., Kendig, H. and Anstey, K.J. (2012). Ageing and Society, January 2012. 

Aging in Place in Late Life: Theory, Methodology, and Intervention

Fänge, A.M., Oswald, F. and Clemson, L. (2012). Journal of Aging Research, January 2012.

The changing face of ageing research & practice in Australia over the last 50 years

Everitt, A. V., Le Couteur D.G., and Kendig, H. (2011). Australasian Journal on Ageing, December 2011. 


Labor supply and taxes: A survey

Keane, M. (2011). Journal of Economic Literature, December 2011. 

How fast does the Grim Reaper walk? An ROC curve analysis in healthy men 70 and over

Travison, T.G., Nguyen, A.H., Naganathan, V., Stanaway, F.F., Blyth, F.M., Cumming, R.G., Le Couteur, D.G., Sambrook, P.N., and Handelsman, D.J. (2011). British Medical Journal, December 2011. 

Why do people postpone parenthood? Reasons and social policy incentives

Mills, M., Rindfuss, R., McDonald, P.and te Velde, E. (2011). Human Reproduction Update, November-December 2011. 

Understanding ageing in older Australians: The contribution of the DYNOPTA project to the evidence base and policy

Anstey, K.J., Bielak, A.M.M., Birrell, C.L., Browning, C.J., Burns, R.A., Byles, J., Kiely, K.M, Nepal, B., Ross, L.A., Steel, D., Windsor, T.D. and the DYNOPTA team (2011). Australasian Journal on Ageing, October 2011.