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Research Publications

Social Networks and Memory over 15 Years of Followup in a Cohort of Older Australians: Results from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing

Giles, L.C., Giles, Anstey, K.J., Walker, R.B. and Luszcz, M.A. (2012). Journal of Aging Research, July 2012. 

Sedative Load and Functional Outcomes in Community-Dwelling Older Australian Men: The CHAMP Study

Gnjidic, D., Le Couteur, D. G., Hilmer, S. N., Cumming, R. G., Blyth, F. M., Naganathan, V., Waite, L., Handelsman, D. J. and Simon Bell, J. (2012). Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, July 2012. 

Personal and Neighbourhood Resources, Future Time Perspective and Social Relations in Middle and Older Adulthood

Windsor, T.D., Fiori, K. L. and Crisp, D.A. (2012). The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, July 2012. 

Older Adults' Spirituality and Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Test of Social Support and Sense of Coherence as Mediating Mechanisms.

Cowlishaw, S., S. Niele, K. Teshuva, C. Browning and. Kendig H. (2012). Ageing and Society, July 2012. 

Neighbourhood Characteristics: Shaping the Wellbeing of Older Australians

Windsor, T.D., Pearson, E.L., Crisp, D.A., Butterworth, P. and Anstey, K.J. Productive Ageing Centre, July 2012.

Managing Systematic Mortality Risk with Group Self-Pooling and Annuitization Schemes

Qiao, C. and Sherris, M. (2012). Journal of Risk and Insurance, July 2012. 

Lifetime Cigarette Smoking is Associated with Striatal Volume Measures

Das, D., Cherbuin, N., Anstey, K.J., Sachdev, P.S. and Easteal, S. (2012). Addiction Biology, July 2012. 

Assessing patterns of home and community care service use and client profiles in Australia: A cluster analysis approach using linked data

Kendig, H., Mealing, N., Carr, R., Lujic, S., Byles J., and Jorm, L. (2012). Health and Social Care in the Community, July 2012. 

An Integrative and Socio-Cultural Perspective of Health, Wealth, and Adjustment in Widowhood Health Care for Women

DiGiacomo, M., Davidson, P., Byles, J. and Nolan, M. (2012). Health Care for Women International, July 2012.