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Webinar on JPEF Special Issue ‘Retirement Decisions in a Changing Labor Market’

Webinar on JPEF Special Issue ‘Retirement Decisions in a Changing Labor Market’ 

Presented by the International Pension Research Association (IPRA) and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), in collaboration with the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (JPEF)

Speakers include:

  • Hazel Bateman (CEPAR, IPRA, UNSW Sydney)
  • Robert L. Clark (North Carolina State University)
  • Robert G. Hammond (University of Alabama)
  • Susann Rohwedder (RAND Corporation)
  • Geoffrey T. Sanzenbacher (Boston College)
  • Courtney C. Coile (Wellesley College)
  • Olivia S. Mitchell (Pension Research Council, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
  • Joseph P. Newhouse (Harvard University)