Rafal Chomik, Fatima Jamal Khan, and Jeromey Temple
This research brief presents some of the latest research insights on migration and ageing, highlighting CEPAR research in a series of themed boxes from more than a dozen CEPAR researchers. The evidence can aid in understanding the heterogeneity of ageing. However, in presenting mostly descriptive quantitative assessments (in a somewhat chart-book format), the authors do not presume to know the nuanced lived experience of individuals in different communities or to weigh in prescriptively on the solutions to challenges faced. It is hoped that syntheses of evidence can arm those within different communities to seek change on their terms.
The research brief assesses wellbeing outcomes across the lifecycle (e.g. education, employment, retirement, health) by three high-level migrant and CALD categories: (i) place of birth, (ii) language use at home, and (iii) spoken English proficiency. Despite the limitations of grouping people by just three variables (i.e. mixing all migrants and language groups and ignoring ethnicity or time since arrival), the brief offers a helicopter view of lifecycle outcomes of Australians from migrant and CALD communities. It covers major demographic shifts; highlights potential migrant and CALD groups’ vulnerabilities; and illustrates the need for further monitoring and research to inform and develop policy.