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Macro-Demographic Dynamics & Population Ageing Policy


Stream Leader: Professor Peter McDonald

Stream Coordinator: Professor Jeromey Temple

This stream examines the unfolding macro-demographic dynamics of Australia, how our nation will be affected by global developments (especially in Asia), and how optimal policy settings will be shaped by these dynamics.

It will deliver a suite of models that together will generate greatly improved understanding of (i) the evolution of Australia’s demography (ii) the optimal policy settings required to support an ageing demographic (iii) demographic changes in the region and its impact on Australia, and iv) how transfers between generations will change as populations age.

It will assess how pension and superannuation policy rules could be changed along with income taxes and government debt financing to provide the best outcomes for households as population ageing progresses. It will also relate education and human capital policy to productivity growth. Inter-generational transfers of both cash and time will be integrated to map out generational gains and losses and inform policy.

Projects Include:

  • Demographic Projection Models
    Project Leader: Professor Peter McDonald
  • Demographic Change and Optimal Policy
    Project Leader: Scientia Professor Alan Woodland
  • Regional Macro Modelling
    Project Leader: Professor Warwick McKibbin
  • The National Transfer Accounts (NTA)
    Project Leader: Professor Peter McDonald

Visit the CEPAR Population Ageing Futures Data Archive which includes data sets and detailed projections of the composition and diversity of Australia’s older population to help understand the diversity of future population change within the older population.