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cepar award

CEPAR PhD Candidate Jess Amos has been recognised with the 2021 Helen & Emanuel Poteris Award for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Parkinson’s Research.

John Piggott CEPAR Director UNSW economist

Back in 2013, a then very newly funded CEPAR organised an international conference focused on population ageing. It was an unusual academic event in that it had a range of disciplines represented. 

cepar award

CEPAR PhD candidates Trang Le and Michelle Vhudzijena have received Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Research Grants from the UNSW Business School and UNSW Global Water Institute.


CEPAR Senipr Research Fellow Dr Tim Neal analyses in this The Conversation article that Australia's latest federal budget earmarked worthwhile climate measures, but many are piecemeal. 


Workers aged 45-54 with care responsibilities struggled during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, according to a new CEPAR report published today. The report explores the circumstances of older workers with care responsibilities and offers insights into how they balanced their family lives with paid work. 


CEPAR invites submissions for the CEPAR International Conferences which will bring together academics, policymakers, and practitioners to share the latest research and policy and industry perspectives on the dynamics of the ageing demographic.


What happens when people withdraw their retirement savings early? CEPAR Associate Investigator Ben Newell and PhD student Nathan Wang-Ly from the UNSW Sydney have just found out.


A new research brief – financial decision making for and in old age – published CEPAR focuses on decisions related to personal retirement finances and explores how risks of poor decisions increase with age. 

John Piggott CEPAR Director UNSW economist

At this time of year, CEPAR frequently joins with the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) in the Crawford School of Public Policy at ANU to organise a “Policy Dialogue”.