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Olivia S. Mitchell

The keynote speaker at the 26th Annual Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research, Professor Olivia S. Mitchell, will explain how financial knowledge can be a powerful driver of wealth inequality in a world of uncertainty and imperfect insurance, since financial knowledge allows people to better allocate their lifetime resources.

Elderly friends

The International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR) hosted its third annual conference at the OECD Headquarters, Paris in June 2018, with over 150 delegates attending the meeting.

Ageing Well

It is predicted that there will be almost one million Australians with dementia by 2050 and 10 times as many family members and friends indirectly impacted by its effects. Professor Kaarin Anstey hosts Ageing Well for Life seminar series to help learn how to take steps to age well and reduce your risk of dementia. 

cepar award

Words by CEPAR Director John Piggott

Emeritus Professor Hal Kendig died early this month, on Sunday June 3, 2018, following a long illness. He was 70. He approached his illness with grace, humour, and courage; those of us who were in touch with him in recent times were greatly impressed with his fortitude.

CEPAR Associate Investigator Zhongwei Zhao co-edited the Routledge Handbook of Asian Demography, which is the first of its kind to provide a comprehensive study of population change across the whole of Asia.

CEPAR researchers have compared in a world-first study the life expectancy of elite chess players with that of the general population and Olympic athletes using advanced statistical methods. The study found that top chess players live up to 14 years longer than the general population.

Chess Players

CEPAR researchers Professor Philip Clarke and Dr An Tran-Duy, in collaboration with Dr David Smerdon, compared elite chess players with Olympic medallists to determine whether it’s your mind or muscle that best predicts how long you will live. They discuss the results of their study in this Conversation article.

James Nazroo

James Nazroo, CEPAR Partner Investigator and Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester argues that more needs to be done to avoid inequalities affecting people in later life.

BusinessThink Federal Budget

CEPAR Director John Piggott joined a panel of UNSW Business School experts that assessed the 2018 federal budget - the major items and the details. The roundtable discussion was streamed live, and is available for viewing now.