George Kudrna
Population ageing, a demographic transition that will accelerate in NSW over the next few decades, is creating economic opportunities as well as significant challenges for the NSW economy and the state government.
George Kudrna
Population ageing, a demographic transition that will accelerate in NSW over the next few decades, is creating economic opportunities as well as significant challenges for the NSW economy and the state government.
Juergen Jung and Chung Tran
We quantitatively explore the welfare implications of three common approaches to providing social health insurance: (i) a mix of private and public health insurance (US-style), (ii) compulsory universal public health insurance (UPHI), and (iii) private health insurance for workers combined with government subsidies and price regulation.
Zixi Li, Adam W. Shao and Michael Sherris
Multiple state functional disability models do not generally include systematic trend and uncertainty. We develop and estimate a multi-state latent factor intensity model with transition and recovery rates depending on a stochastic frailty factor to capture trend and uncertainty.
Cagri Kumru and Arm Nakornthab
We study the interaction between estate taxation and annuity demand both analytically and quantitatively. Our quantitative model is rich enough to capture the important features of the economy such as business investment, borrowing constraints, estate transmission, and wealth inequality.
Rafal Chomik and John Piggott
This paper offers a discussion of adequacy of retirement benefits. We have the Australian context in mind, but introduce extensive international comparisons to provide perspective.
Rafal Chomik and John Piggott
This note looks at the treatment of wealth in the income and assets tests that comprise the Age Pension means test. We demonstrate how the tests interact, the extent to which different assets are treated equally and whether the income and assets tests interact effectively across the asset distribution.
Axel Borsch-Supan and Christopher Quinn
The paper motivates and describes the tax treatment of German retirement benefits and pensions after the 2005 reform initiated by the German Federal Constitutional Court.
Carl Emmerson and Paul Johnson
Private pension saving is hugely important in the UK and traditionally the taxation of pensions has been relatively stable and rather generous, beyond the treatment offered by an expenditure tax regime.
Bernd Genser and Robert Holzmann
Pension policy reforms across the world in recent decades are a reaction to the changing demographic and socioeconomic environment.