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Advisory Board
The chief role of the CEPAR Advisory Board has been to facilitate two-way engagement between stakeholders and researchers, providing independent advice to the Management Committee with regard to strategy and external relations; facilitating the Centre's engagement with relevant stakeholders; identifying new opportunities for engagement; and acting as advocates and champions of CEPAR.
Advisory Board Members
Marc J de Cure
Chair, Advisory Board
BCom (Hons) UNSW, MWine Quality UWS, FCA
Adjunct Professor, CEPAR, UNSW Business School
Marc de Cure has long recognised the social and economic significance of demographic change and the need to undertake and promulgate research to inform government policy, and social and commercial responses. He played a key role in establishing CEPAR and provides critical input to the development of the Centre’s ongoing strategy, and engagement activities. He has chaired both the Advisory Board and the Leaders’ Forum since inception.
Marc has been a member of the Business Advisory Council of the UNSW Business School since 2001 and was appointed as an Adjunct Professor at the UNSW Business School in 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from UNSW, a Master of Wine Quality from UWS and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. Marc has been a non-executive company director and senior executive in financial and professional services groups across Australasia and Europe. He was AIA Group’s Executive Vice President & CFO and AMP Group’s CFO, Executive General Manager Strategy and Executive Director of its main operating entities. In professional services Marc was a senior Partner with PwC, including Chair of its Australian Financial Services practice and Managing Partner of its Asia Pacific Risk Management practice, and was also a Principal Advisor with Bain & Company.
Richard Ainley
Independent member
Laura Angus
First Assistant Secretary, Careers, International, Defence and Assessment, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Robert Fitzgerald AM
Age Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
Matthew Flavel
Deputy Secretary, Social Security, Department of Social Services
Dr David Gruen AO
Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Lynn Kelly
First Assistant Secretary, Retirement, Advice and Investment Division, The Treasury
Michael Lye
Deputy Secretary Ageing and Aged Care, Department of Health and Aged Care
Mark Oliver
Chief Distribution Officer, Insignia Financial
Dr Michael Orszag
Head of Global Research Services, WTW
Robert Palacios
Lead Economist, The World Bank Group
Dr John Simon
Head, Economic Research, Reserve Bank of Australia
Patricia Sparrow
Chief Executive, Council on the Ageing (COTA)
Joann Wilkie
Deputy Secretary, Economic Strategy and Productivity Group, NSW Treasury
Ian Yates AO
Independent member
CEPAR Representatives
Colleen Faes-Scott
CEPAR Director of Operations
Anne Gordon
CEPAR Director of Operations
Distinguished Professor Warwick McKibbin AO
CEPAR Director of Policy Engagement
Scientia Professor John Piggott AO
CEPAR Director
Emeritus Professor Michael Sherris
CEPAR Director of Industry Engagement