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John Piggott CEPAR Director UNSW economist

The UNSW Business School has awarded the Staff Excellence Global Impact Award to CEPAR Director John Piggott in recognition of his achievements, contributions, initiative and dedication in this area.


New research conducted by Dr George Kudrna, CEPAR Senior Research Fellow at UNSW Sydney, shows that German households can see significantly higher wealth and home ownership if Germany implements Australia’s policies on national tax, pension and superannuation.


Recent market turmoil has heightened concerns around superannuation, but CEPAR UNSW Business School research shows pension fund managers can utilise portfolio insurance strategies to protect people’s later life savings from downside risk.


Several months ago John Piggott and Bruce Chapman argued the case for the use of revenue-contingent loans (RCLs) as part of the transition from JobKeeper. An RCL is a debt for business, with the defining characteristic being that repayments occur when the firm is able to do so comfortably in the future. 


For the 2020 World Population Day on 11 July, CEPAR is featuring a previously published fact sheet by CEPAR Senior Research Fellow Rafal Chomik - The Constellations of Demography – offering a visual representation of what are the most staggering global demographic shifts in modern history.

John Piggott

Some states are reopening from the pandemic shutdown, and more Australians are heading back out onto the streets. But what impact is the easing of coronavirus restrictions having on health and the economy, and importantly, what are the key elements of a successful and effective post-pandemic recovery?


New research released by CEPAR Research Fellow Dr Peyman Firouzi-Naeim (UNSW Sydney) and Golnoush Rahimzadeh (Andrew Young School of Policy Studies) on the role of trade unions in response to pandemics has shown an increase in unionisation level leads to better control of the spread of COVID-19.

cepar award

Dr Cassie Curryer from the University of Newcastle has been awarded the Hal Kendig Prize for the Best CEPAR PhD Thesis in 2019, ‘Baby Boomer Women Ageing in Place: Childlessness, Social Policy and Housing in Australia’, under the supervision of CEPAR Associate Investigator Professor Julie Byles and Emeritus Professor Mel Gray.


The International Pension Research Association (IPRA) hosted its annual conference on pension challenges and opportunities on June 26, 2020.