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CEPAR researchers Dr George Kudrna, Scientia Professor John Piggott and Professor Peter McDonald, in collaboration with the World Bank and the Indonesian Planning Authority, have secured ARC Linkage Project funding.


Explore our list of news articles and commentary published in 2020.

health data

CEPAR Chief Investigator Warwick McKibbin and CEPAR candidate PhD candidate Roshen Fernando released a paper exlporing how COVID-19 could impact macroeconomic outcomes and financial markets.


The COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading across the world. Initially the epicenter was China, with reported cases either in China or in travellers from China. There are now at least four further epicenters: Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea, write CEPAR researchers Warwick McKibbin and Rohsen Fernando in The Conversation.

cognitive ageing CEPAR

A recently published paper by CEPAR researchers Janet Maccora, Ruth Peters and Kaarin Anstey shows that adults over 60 can sustain superior memory recall, however, associated factors vary between genders.


The International Pension Research Association (IPRA) is a new international organisation established with the aim of improving the quality and impact of research on pensions and related ageing issues to optimise social and economic outcomes for an ageing world.

health data

A recently published paper by CEPAR Chief Investigator Philip Clarke analyses how self-ratings of health are associated with mortality in different parts of the world, and finds this relationship varies across groups of countries.


CEPAR Chief Investigator Warwick McKibbin co-authored a book chapter on 'Stagnation vs. Singularity: The Global Implications of Alternative Productivity Growth Scenarios'.


CEPAR researchers prepared a submission to the DFAT consultation on new international development policy. Various CEPAR staff and affiliates contributed to this submission.