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John Piggott CEPAR Director UNSW economist

A significant amount of Australia’s exports involve people-based exports such as tourism, education and business services – all of which have been heavily impacted by COVID-19, says UNSW Business School’s Scientia Professor of Economics John Piggott, Director of The ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR).

Peter McDonald

Australia’s fertility rate will temporarily dip in 2021 following the COVID‑19 pandemic before rising again in the mid-2020’s and settling to a long-term average by 2030, according to CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Peter McDonald’s analysis in a new report on the projection of Australia’s future fertility rates.

Dementia care

The results of a new study by CEPAR researchers Dr Lidan Zheng and Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey, in collaboration with Newcastle University (UK) Professor Fiona Matthews, show how having cardiovascular conditions reduces the number of years individuals live in good cognitive health.


Recent CEPAR contributions to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety from include submissions by CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Michael Sherris on the financial sustainability of aged care, and by CEPAR Senior Research Fellow Rafal Chomik and CEPAR Director Scientia Professor John Piggott, on funding and insurance issues.

Tsendsuren Batsuuri, CEPAR PhD candidate at the Australian National University (ANU), has been awarded a highly competitive Fox International Fellowship at Yale University for the 2021 academic year.

health model

CEPAR researchers and colleagues have found that a significant number of Australian men aged over 70 years living in the community do not have the chronic conditions that are being associated with more severe COVID‐19.


28 August was Equal Pay Day, marking the 59 extra days from the end of the financial year that women have to work to earn the same annual average wage as men. So what is the gender pay gap and how might we close it? Sydney experts explain.

health model

"Understanding a person’s wishes in advance makes it easier for the health-care system to provide care that matches the person’s preferences. Yet research shows only 25% of older Australian adults accessing health and aged-care facilities have documented their wishes for future care through advance care planning," writes CEPAR Research Fellow Dr Craig Sinclair in The Conversation.


New research by CEPAR Research Fellow Dr Craig Sinclair and Advance Care Planning Australia has highlighted how cultural background affects our attitudes and behaviours to advance care planning.