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Augustus Panton

Augustus Panton, CEPAR PhD candidate at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, has been awarded the Adam Smith Fellowship from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University for the 2019/2020 academic year.

Daniel Wheadon CEPAR

With just three minutes to give a compelling presentation on his thesis topic and its significance, CEPAR PhD candidate Daniel Wheadon will compete in the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) UNSW interfaculty final competition heat.

Ageing Well

Professor Kaarin Anstey and Dr Ruth Peters, CEPAR researchers at UNSW Sydney, co-edited the International Research Network for Dementia Prevention (IRNDP) special issue on Dementia, Risk, Risk Reduction, and Translation into Practice. 

CEPAR industry report

CEPAR released an industry report that investigates the impact of retirement income projections on superannuation contributions, investment choices and engagement from members.

Mature workers

CEPAR released a new fact sheet on legal protections for mature workers in Australia, outlining the national and state laws that protect mature workers from discrimination and uphold their right to seek flexible work arrangements. It also addresses the way workplace health and safety laws can be uniquely relevant to older Australians.

health data

CEPAR researchers John Piggott and John Beard have been appointed as members of the US National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) International Commission on Creating a Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity.

Luke Zhou

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has awarded the 2019 Brian Gray Scholarship to CEPAR Honours candidate Luke Zhou.

Dementia care

CEPAR Chief Investigator Kaarin Anstey, Professor of Psychology at the UNSW Sydney node at NeuRA, is one of a team of investigators to receive government funding for two research projects to implement dementia risk reduction and prevention research.

media 2019

"Population ageing has important implications for China's social insurance programs, retirement income security, and asset markets, including the housing market. In a series of papers, my coauthors and I have studied the impact of population aging in China from a variety of angles," says CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Hanming Fang in this article for NBER Reporter.