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Research Publications

Associations between data-driven lifestyle profiles and cognitive function in the AusDiab study

Dingle S.E., Bowe S.J., Bujtor M., Milte C.E., Daly R.M., Anstey K.J., Shaw J.E., & Torres S.J. (2022). BMC Public Health. 22(1), 1990

I could no longer cope at home’: Experiences of clients and families in residential aged care within the context of Australia’s aged care reforms

Monro, C., O’Loughlin, K., Mackenzie, L. & Do Toit, S. (2022). Australasian Journal on Ageing

Crossover Effects of Parent Work-to-family Experiences on Child Work Centrality: A Moderated Mediation Model

Steiner, R. S., Hirschi, A. and Wang, M. (2022). Journal of Applied Psychology. 

Anti-resorptive medication use is not associated with acute cardiovascular risk: An observational study: Anti-resorptive medication and cardiovascular risk

Bliuc, D., Tran, T., Chen, W., Alarkawi, D., Alajlouni, D.A., Blyth, F., March, L., Blank, R.D. and Center, J.R. (2022). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. dgac669

Getting ready for the future, is it worth it? A dual-pathway model of age and technology acceptance at work

Fasbender, U. & Gerpott, F. H., & Rinker, L. (2023). Work, Aging & Retirement. 9(4), 358–375

Getting Ready for the Future, is it Worth it? A Dual Pathway Model of Age and Technology Acceptance at Work

Fasbender, U., Gerpott, F. H., & Rinker, L. (2022). Work, Aging and Retirement. waac03

Barriers and enablers to the delivery and implementation of the Tailored Activity Program in Australia: perspectives of occupational therapists and their managers

Bennett, S., Travers, C., Liddle, J., O’Connor, C.M.C., Low, L.F., Laver, K., Clemson, L., O’Reilly, M., Beattie, E., Smith, S. and Gitlin, L.N. (2022). Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.

Diagnostic accuracy of linked administrative data for dementia diagnosis in community-dwelling older men in Australia

Chow, E.P.F., Hsu, B., Waite, L.M., Blyth, F.M., Handelsman, D.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Naganathan, V. Stanaway, F.F. (2022). BMC Geriatr. 22(1), 858

Gender is Dynamic for all people

Brady, B., Rosenberg, S., Newman, C., Kaladelfos, A., Duck-Chong, E., Kenning, G., & Bennett, J. (2022). Discover Psychology. 2, Article #41