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Research Publications

Household Wealth, Neighbourhood Deprivation and Frailty amongst Middle-aged and Older Adults in England: a Longitudinal Analysis over 15 years (2002-2017)

Maharani, A., Sinclair, D.R., Chandola, T. Bower, P., Clegg, A., Hanratty, B., Nazroo, J., Pendleton, N., Tampubolon, G., Todd, C., Wittenberg, R., O'Neill, T.W. and Matthews, F. E. (2023). Age and Ageing. 52(3), Article afad034

Differences and Similarities Between Consumer-and Caregiver-or Family-Informed Peer Roles in Mental Health

Roennfeldt, H., Chapman, M., Runneboom, C., Wang, Y., and Byrne, L. (2023). Psychiatric Services. 

Towards Optimizing Hospitalized Older adults' Medications (TO HOME): Multi-centre Study of Medication use and Outcomes in Routine Care

Hilmer, S.N., Lo, S., Kelly, P.J., Viney, R., Blyth, F.M., Le Couteur, D.G., McLachlan, A.J., Arora, S., Hossain, L. and Gnjidic, D. (2023). British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Steps to Implementation: Understanding Barriers and Enablers for Implementing Arts on Prescription at Home for People Impacted by Dementia

O’Connor, C.M.C., Poulos, R.G., Preti, C., Heldon, M., Barclay, L., Beattie, E. and Poulos, C.J. (2023). Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 35(1), 110-121

Key Drivers of Long-term Rates of Mortaility Improvements in the United States: Period, Cohort, and Cause of Death Analysis, 1959-2016

Villegas, A. M., Bajekal, M., Haberman, S. and Zhou, L. (2023). North American Actuarial Journal. 28(1), 187-217

Is Leader Proactivity Enough: Importance of Leader Competency in Shaping Team Role Breadth Efficacy and Proactive Performance

Chiu, C. Y., Wu, C., Bartram, A., Parker, S. K., and Lee, C. (2023). Journal of Vocational Behavior. 143, Article 103865

Employees Adhere More to Unethical Instructions from Human Than AI Supervisors: Complementing Experimental Evidence with Machine Learning

Lanz, L., Briker, R., and Gerpott, F.H. (2023). Journal of Business Ethics. 189, 625-646

Explaining Consumers’ Progress through Life Insurance Decision States: The Role of Personal Values and Consumer Characteristics

Bateman, H., Gerrans, P., Thorp, S., and Zeng, Y. (2023). Journal of Consumer Affairs

The relationship between exposure to Hurricane Harvey and mortality among nursing home residents

Hua, C. L., Patel, S., Thomas, K. S., Peterson, L. J., Andel, R., Gordon, L., Jester, D. & Dosa, D. M. (2023). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 71(3), 888-894