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Research Publications

Evaluation of the Best M4 Competition Methods for Small Area Population Forecasting

Wilson, T., Grossman, I., & Temple, J. (2023). International Journal of Forecasting. 39(1), 110-112

An analysis of PubMed abstracts from 1946 to 2021 to identify organizational affiliations in epidemiological criminology: descriptive study

Karystianis, G., Lukmanjaya, W., Simpson, P., Schofield, P.W., Ginnivan, N., Nenadic, G., van Leeuwen, M.T., Buchan, I. & Butler, T. (2022). Interactive Journal of Medical Research. 11(2), e42891

Opioid deprescribing: Qualitative perspectives from those with chronic non-cancer pain

Hamilton, M., Gnjidic, D., Christine Lin, C.W., Jansen, J., Weir, K.R., Shaheed, C.A., Blyth, F. and Mathieson, S. (2022). Res Social Adm Pharm. 

Evaluation of a new simplified population projection model: a case study of local government area projections in Tasmania

Wilson, T. and Grossman, I. (2022). Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 28(1), 55-73

Associations between data-driven lifestyle profiles and cognitive function in the AusDiab study

Dingle S.E., Bowe S.J., Bujtor M., Milte C.E., Daly R.M., Anstey K.J., Shaw J.E., & Torres S.J. (2022). BMC Public Health. 22(1), 1990

I could no longer cope at home’: Experiences of clients and families in residential aged care within the context of Australia’s aged care reforms

Monro, C., O’Loughlin, K., Mackenzie, L. & Do Toit, S. (2022). Australasian Journal on Ageing

Crossover Effects of Parent Work-to-family Experiences on Child Work Centrality: A Moderated Mediation Model

Steiner, R. S., Hirschi, A. and Wang, M. (2022). Journal of Applied Psychology. 

Anti-resorptive medication use is not associated with acute cardiovascular risk: An observational study: Anti-resorptive medication and cardiovascular risk

Bliuc, D., Tran, T., Chen, W., Alarkawi, D., Alajlouni, D.A., Blyth, F., March, L., Blank, R.D. and Center, J.R. (2022). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. dgac669

Getting ready for the future, is it worth it? A dual-pathway model of age and technology acceptance at work

Fasbender, U. & Gerpott, F. H., & Rinker, L. (2023). Work, Aging & Retirement. 9(4), 358–375