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Research Publications

Taxation and policyholder behavior: the case of guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits

Alonso-García, J., Sherris, M., Thirurajah, S., and Ziveyi, J. (2024). ASTIN Bulletin. 54(1), 185 - 212

Robust Inference for the Frisch Labor Supply Elasticity

Keane, M., and Neal, T. (In Press). Journal of Labor Economics

Cost modelling rehabilitation in the home for reconditioning in the Australian context

Poulos, R.G., Cole, A.M.D., Hilvert, D.R., Warner, K.N., Faux, S.G., Nguyen, T.A., Kohler, F., Un, F.C., Alexander, T., Capell, J.T., O’Connor, C.M.C., and Poulos, C.J. (2024). BMC Health Services Research. 24(1), Article 151

Advance Care Planning in Palliative Care

Clayton, J., Luckett, T., Sinclair, C., and Detering, K. (2024). In McLeod, R., and Van Den Block, L. (Eds.). Textbook of Palliative Care (2nd Ed.) Springer, Champaign, IL, USA. p.1-15

Influencing the choice of pension distribution at retirement

Clark, R., and Mitchell., O.S. (2024). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. 23(1), 72-88

Exploring perceptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in older drivers with age-related declines

Wood, J.M., Henry, E., Kaye, S., Black, A.A., Glaser, S., Anstey K.J., and Rakotonirainy, A. (2024). Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 100, 419-430

Context matters: using an Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework to develop and encourage uptake of opioid deprescribing guideline recommendations at the point-of-care

Langford, A.V., Bero, L., Lin, C.C., Blyth, F.M., Doctor, J.N., Holliday, S., Jeon, Y.H., Moullin, J.C., Murnion, B., Nielsen, S., Penm, J., Reeve, E., Reid, S., Wale, J., Osman, R., Gnjidic, D., and Schneider, C.R. (2024). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 165, Article 111204

Advance care planning in Australia through the COVID-19 pandemic

Sinclair, C., Reymond, L., Sansome, X. (2024). In Ng, R., Martina, D. (Eds). Advance care planning in the Asia Pacific. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.

Overadjustment bias in systematic reviews and meta-analyses of socioeconomic inequalities in health: a meta-research scoping review

van Zwieten, A., Dai, J., Blyth, F., Wong, G. and Khalatbari-Soltani, S. (2023). Accepted for publication in International Journal of Epidemiology. 51(1), Article dyad177