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Research Publications

Effect of Tailored On-Road Driving Lessons on Driving Safety in Older Adults: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Anstey, K.J., Eramudugolla, R., Kiely, K.M. and Price, J. (2018). Accident Analysis & Prevention.

A multi-level theoretical framework integrating diversity and emotional labor,

Imose, R. and Finkelstein, L. (2018). Group and Organization Management. 

Volunteering Benefits Life Satisfaction Over 4 Years: The Moderating Role of Social Network Size.

Jiang, D., Hosking, D., Burns, R. and Anstey, K.J. (2018). Australian Journal of Psychology. 

Identifying people with dementia on Twitter

Talbot, C., O'Dwyer, S., Clare, L., Heaton, J. and Anderson, J. (2018). Dementia.

Making fall prevention routine in primary care practice: Perspectives of allied health professionals

Liddle, J., Lovarini, M., Clemson, L., Mackenzie, L., Tan, A., Pit, S., Poulos, R., Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Roberts, C. and Willis, K. (2018). BMC Health Services Research. 

Who wears the hijab? Predictors of veiling in Greater Jakarta

Utomo, A., Reimondos, A., McDonald, P., Utomo, I. and Hull, T. (2018). Review of Religious Research. 

The 'Millennials': Perceived Generational Opportunities and Intergenerational Conflict in Australia

Cannon, L. and Kendig, H. (2018). Australasian Journal on Ageing. 

Future Time Perspective: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kooij, D.T.A.M., Betts, M., Kanfer, R. and Rudolph, C. (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology. 

Academic career development: A review and research agenda

Zacher, H., Rudolph, C. W., Todorovic, T., and Ammann, D. (2018). Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 110, 357-373.