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Graduate Student Placements
PhD Graduates
Jeofrey Abalos
Thesis title: Determinants of health status and health expectancy among older persons in the Philippines
Supervisors: Professor Heather Booth and Professor Zhongwei Zhao
Graduated: 2018, took up a post-doctoral position at National University of Singapore
![]() ‘Studying at CEPAR has enriched my PhD experience in various ways. CEPAR provided me with the opportunity to participate in an international conference and present my research to a wider audience. I also learned novel and cutting-edge research methodologies through the workshops and training organised by the Centre. Being part of the CEPAR community I was able to expand my professional network and had the chance to meet and interact with many experts from around the world.’ Dr Jeofrey Abalos, former CEPAR PhD Student |
Muhammad Absor
Title: Inequality in Later Life in Rural Indonesia: Filling the Gaps in Meeting the Needs of Older Persons
Supervisors: Dr. Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Professor Peter McDonald, Dr Arianne Utomo and Dr Brian Houle
Graduated: 2021, took up a position as a Lecturer at School of Social Welfare (Social Work), College of Dakwah and Communication, the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Natalia Aranco
Thesis title: Education health and fertility: analysing interactions across countries and over time
Supervisors: Professor John Piggott and A/Professor Shiko Maruyama
Graduated: 2017, took up a position with the Inter-American Development Bank
Richard Arthur
Thesis title: Is anxiety a risk factor in cognitive ageing?
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr. Richard A. Burns, Dr. Moyra E. Mortby and Professor Richard O'Kearney
Graduated: 2019
Kimberly Ashby-Mitchell
Thesis title: The relationship of diet and physical activity behaviours to cognitive impairment
Supervisor: Professor Kaarin Anstey
Graduated: 2016, appointed as a Senior Technical Officer at the Caribbean Public Health Agency
Dr Kimberly Ashby-Mitchell, former CEPAR PhD Student |
Kofi Awuviry Newton
Thesis title: Older adults’ Functional engagements, caregivers lived experiences, and social workers role in the lives of older adults in Ghana.
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles, Dr Meredith Tavener, Dr Kylie Wales and Dr Paul Kowal
Graduated: 2020, Teaching, Academic tutor at the University of Wollongong and Peer Reviewer for The Gerontologist Eeis
Craig Blackburn
Thesis title: Longevity risk management and securitisation
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Research Fellow at CEPAR before moving on to Challenger
Bianca Bonollo
Thesis title: New perspectives on health choices and social interactions
Supervisor: Dr Loretti Isabella Dobrescu
Graduated: 2018, took up a position as a consultant in the Land Resources unit at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Johanne Brady
Thesis title: Meanings of Parkinson’s disease from the perspectives of people diagnosed and their partner-carers living in an Australian community setting
Supervisor: A/Prof Kate O'Loughlin
Graduated: 2017, teaching, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney; and Academic Director, Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia
Yodi Christiani
Thesis Title: Urban Women's Health Inequality and their Determinants in Indonesia
Supervisor: Professor Julie Byles
Graduated: 2016, took up a position as a Public Health Specialist at the CREDOS Institute
Dimity Crisp
Thesis title: Transitions in later life: Relocation to a retirement village
Supervisor: Professor Kaarin Anstey
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the National Institute for Mental Health Research
Jennifer Culph
Thesis title: Health Organisations and Innovation: The Implementation of a Community Dementia Care Program
Supervisors: Professor Lindy Clemson, Dr Kate Laver and Dr Justin Scanlan
Graduated: 2020, Took up a position as a Health Manager, NSW Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
Cassie Curryer
Thesis title: Baby Boomer Women Ageing In Place: Childlessness, Social Policy, And Housing In Australia
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles and Professor Mel Gray
Graduated: 2019, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle
Rachel Curtis
Thesis title: I think I can – The association between control beliefs and activity engagement in the second half of life
Supervisors: Dr Tim Windsor and Professor Mary Luszcz
Graduated: 2017, took up a position as a Research Associate in the School of Health Sciences at the University of South Australia
Arpita Das
Thesis title: Nutrient intake and its effects on health outcomes and mortality among older men living in Australia: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project
Supervisors: Dr Vasant Hirani and Prof. Robert Cumming
Graduated: 2020, Took up a positions as aPostgraduate Teaching Fellow, Department of Gender & Cultural Studies, University of Sydney
Parivash Eftekhari
Thesis title: Quality care in older Australian women with asthma
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles, Ms Peta Forder and Dr Melissa Harris
Graduated: 2018, took up a position as a research coordinator in the School of Medicine and Public Health at The University of Newcastle
Jun Feng
Thesis title: Old age support and risk management
Supervisor: Professor Hazel Bateman
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Research Fellow in the Dept. Banking & Finance at the Faculty of Business & Economics, Monash University
(Simon) Man Chung Fung
Thesis title: Pricing and risk management of long dated contracts in finance and insurance
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris and Dr Katja Ignatieva
Graduated: 2014, took up a position with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Capital Quantitative Analytics
Natalia Garabato
Thesis title: Pension literacy, present bias and retirement outcomes in Chile
Supervisors: Professor John Piggott and Professor Denzil Fiebig
Graduated: 2015, currently employed with Willis Towers Watson
Natasha Ginnivan
Thesis title: Self-perceptions of ageing from a cross-cultural perspective: Do collectivist cultures provide a buffer for the impact of negative stereotypes about age?
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr Kerry Sargent-Cox and A/Professor Kate O’Loughlin
Graduated: 2016, took up a position as Research Assistant at CEPAR, UNSW
Mitiku Hambisa
Thesis title: Driving in later years of life and age-related vision changes among older Australian women: Assessment of healthy ageing and helathcare utilisation using driving as an operational indicator of ageing well
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles
Co-Supervisor: Dr Xenia Dolja- Gore
Graduated: 2022, took up a position working for UNSW Sydney as a Senior Research Associate and a Conjoint Research Fellow position at Neuroscience Reseaqrch Australia (NeuRA)
Pushpani Herath
Thesis title: Understanding the relationship between treatment of common chronic diseases and cognitive function
Supervisiors: Professor Kaarin Anstey and Dr Nicolas Cherbuin
Graduated: 2014, took up a position as a research assistant at the Research School of Population Health, ANU
Henry Hongbo Jin
Thesis title: Financing retirement: Two issues in private risk
Supervisors: Professor John Piggott and A/Professor John Evans
Graduated: 2012, took up a position as a Business Analyst at QBE
Cuc Thu Hoang
Thesis title: The transition in modes of aged care in Vietnam
Supervisors: Professor Heather Booth, Dr Iwu Utomo and A/Professor Philip Taylor
Graduated: 2015, took up a position at the Australian Institute of Family Studies
Mydair Hunter
Thesis title: Prospective Memory in the fourth age: Evidence from ALSA Daily Life Time Sampling Study
Supervisors: Professor Mary Luszcz and Dr Tim Windsor
Graduated: 2014, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Fellow at Flinders University
Nerida Hunter
Thesis title: The geodemographic and life course dimensions of population ageing in Australia
Supervisors: Professors James Raymer, Peter McDonald and Heather Booth
Graduated: 2016, appointed as Branch Manager, NDIS Financial Policy & Performance, Department of Social Services, Canberra
Neil Jeyasingam
Thesis title: Attitudes to Ageing: Factors contributing to optimal mental health in older persons
Supervisors: Prof Kate O'Loughlin and Prof Lynda Matthews
Graduated: 2021, Took up a position as the Clinical Director, Far West Local Health District
Marijan Jukic
Thesis title: Modelling residential aged care in Australia: Entry and exit
Supervisors: Professor Peter McDonald and Associate Professor Jeromey Temple
Graduated: 2017, took up a position at NSW Data Analytics Centre, NSW Treasury and then took up a position as a Manager at the Department of Premier and Cabinet (VIC)
Kim Kiely
Thesis title: The interplay of cognition and sensory function in late life
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Professor Mary Luszcz and Dr Denis Gerstorf
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, ANU
Matthew Kidman
Thesis title: The impact of population ageing on the prices of domestic housing and equities in Australia
Supervisors: Professor Peter McDonald and Professor Alex Frino
Graduated: 2016, currently, Principal, Portfolio Manager, Centennial Asset Management
Sarang Kim
Thesis title: Motivations and barriers to lifestyle and behavioural changes for dementia risk reduction
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr Kerry Sargent-Cox and Dr Nicolas Cherbuin
Graduated: 2014, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, ANU
Andrew Kingston
Thesis title: Understanding the disablement process in the very old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ study
Supervisors: Professor Carol Jagger and Professor Thomas B.L. Kirkwood
Graduated: 2015, appointed as a Research Associate, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, UK
Thomas Lo
Thesis title: The cost of arthritis associated with health-care utilisation among older women in Australia
Supervisors: Professor Lynne Parkinson, Dr. Michelle Cunich and Professor Julie Byles
Graduated: 2014, began a Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta
Janet Maccora
Thesis title: Interrogating the association between education and older-age cognition
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr Ruth Peters and Professor John McCallum
Graduated: 2020, Continued as a Research Officer, National Seniors Australia
Tazeen Majeed
Thesis title: Life Course Impact of Chronic Diseases on Patterns of Work Force Participation - A Gendered Approach
Supervisor: Professor Julie Byles
Graduated: 2015, took up a position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Generational Health and Ageing
Kate Milledge
Thesis title: Study of the inter-relationships between dietary intake, oral health, and frailty among older Australian men
Supervisors: Vasant Hirani, Professor Robert Cumming and Dr Fiona O’Leary
Graduated: 2020
Arm Nakornthab
Thesis title: Annuities and Estate Taxation in Entrepreneurship Model
Supervisors: Dr. Cagi Kumru
Graduated: 2018, currently working as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics at Khon Kaen University
Claire O'Connor
Thesis title: Understanding behaviour and function in frontotemporal dementia: developing better intervention approaches
Supervisors: Professor Lindy Clemson, Professor Eneida Mioshi, Professor Henry Brodaty, Professor Olivier Piguet and A/Professor Kate O'Loughlin
Graduated: 2017, took up a position as Research Fellow, Centre for Positive Ageing, HammondCare and as Conjoint Lecturer, UNSW, School of Public Health and Community Medicine
Augustus Panton
Thesis title: Essays on Climate Change and Monetary Policy.
Supervisors: Warwick McKibbin, Professor Renee McKibbin, Dr. Timo Henckel and Dr. Larry Liu.
Graduated: 2020, Took up a position as an Economist, International Monetary Fund.
Phitawat Poonpolkul
Thesis title: Evaluating Implications of Demographic Changes on the Macroeconomy and the Conduct of Monetary Policy.
Supervisors: Professor Warwick McKibbin, Dr Larry Liu and Professor Renee McKibbin
Graduated: 2021, took up a position as a Senior Economist at the Central Bank of Thailand
Mijanur Rahman
Thesis title: Modelling Trajectories of Aged Care Use Among Older Australian Women
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles and Professor Jimmy Efird
Graduated: 2020, took up a position as a Research Fellow (Applied Statistics) at the Australian Health Service Research Institute, University of Wollongong
Mahin Raissi
Thesis title: Online social networks and subjective wellbeing of older Australians: Network homogeneity, social capital and negative interactions
Supervisors: Professor Robert Ackland, A/Professor Heather Booth and Dr Lexing Xie
Graduated: 2016, currently lecturing at the University of Canberra
M. Pilar Rioseco
Thesis title: The role of social connectedness in the process of retirement
Supervisors: Professor Heather Booth, Professor Robert Akland and Dr Tim Windsor
Graduated: 2015, took up a position as a Senior Research Officer at the Australian Institute of Family Studies
Abul Rizvi
Thesis title: Evolution of Australian Immigration Policy.
Supervisors: Peter McDonald and Jeromey Temple.
Graduated: 2020
Saran Sarntisart
Thesis Title: Religious Giving and Population Ageing
Supervisor: Dr Cagri Kumru
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Lecturer at the Thailand National Institute of Development Administration, School of Development Economics
Adam Wenqiang Shao
Thesis title: Pricing models and risk management of reverse mortgages
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris and Katja Hanewald
Graduated: 2014, took up a position as a Research Fellow at CEPAR UNSW node before moving on to the role of Senior Quantitative Analyst at Mine Wealth and Wellbeing
George Smyrnis
Thesis title: Essays on Improving Retirement Engagement.
Supervisors: Professor Susan Thorp.
Graduated: 2020
Martin Snoke
Thesis title: Baby boomers' retirement planning in turbulent times: The role of financial security
Supervisors: Professor Hal Kendig and A/Prof Kate O'Loughlin
Graduated: 2012, took up a position at the Australian Department of Health and Ageing
Michelle Tew
Thesis title: Advancing health economic evaluation methodologies for health policy design in vulnerable populations.
Supervisors: Professor Philip Clarke.
Graduated: 2020
Safrina Thristiawati
Thesis title: Gender and wellbeing of older Indonesians
Supervisors: Professor Terence Hull, Professor Heather Booth and Dr Iwu Utomo
Graduated: 2013, took up a position with the IRT Foundation
Quang Trinh
Thesis title: Ageing and intergenerational relationships in Vietnam
Supervisors: Professor Hal Kendig, Professor Peter McDonald, Associate Professor Minh Huu Nguyen and Dr. Vasoontara Yiengprugsawan
Graduated: 2018, took up a position as a Researcher at the Institute for Family and Gender Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
Saraswathy Venkataraman
Thesis title: Exploring the physical environment in supporting older people in long-term care and shelter accommodation in the Klang Valley in Malaysia
Supervisors: Associate Professor Jennifer Oxley, Associate Professor Louise Farnworth, Professor Helen Bartlett and Professor Lesley Day
Graduated: 2017, took up a clinical OT position as a private consultant in Malaysia
Rosilene Waern
Thesis title: The Geometric Framework and Nutrition in old age
Supervisors: Professor Robert Cumming, Professor Margaret Allman-Farinelli, Dr Vasant Hirani and Dr Thomas G Travison
Graduated: 2016, appointed as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney
Kylie Wales
Thesis title: Measuring function and cost effectiveness in occupational therapy home discharge planning
Supervisors: Associate Professor Lindy Clemson, Associate Professor Natasha Lannin and Professor Glenn Salkeld
Graduated: 2017, took up a lectureship at the School of Health Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSW
Sarah Walker
Thesis title: Psychosocial impacts of driving cessation in later life
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr Tim Windsor and Dr Jay Brinker
Graduated: 2014, began working as a clinical psychologist
Jacqueline Wesson
Thesis title: Functional cognition in older adults with mild cognitive impairment or early dimentia: Validity of the large Aleen's Cognitive Level Screen (Version 5) (LACLS-5)
Supervisors: Professor Lindy Clemson, Professor Henry Brodaty and Dr Simone Reppermund
Graduated: 2017, took up a position at the Ageing, Work and Health Research Unit at the University of Sydney
Lynda Woodward
Thesis title: The Experience of Older Men and Women on Falling, Recovery and Participation in a Long-Term Management Program
Supervisors: Professor Lindy Clemson, Associate Professor Cathie Sherrington and Associate Professor Karen Willis
Graduated: 2019, took up a position as a clinicial physiotherapist in an acute hospital in Newcastle.
Shang Wu
Thesis title: Demand and supply side issues for a long-term care (LTC) annuity market
Supervisors: Professor Hazel Bateman, Dr Ralph Stevens and Professor Susan Thorp
Graduated: 2016, took up a position as Research Fellow with Centre for Excellence in Ageing Population Research (CEPAR), UNSW Sydney
Befikadu L. Wubishet
Thesis title: Health Care Utilisation and Health Economics of Diabetes among Australian Women.
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles.
Graduated: 2020
Mengyi Xu
Thesis title: Housing and retirement saving
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2017, took up a position as Research Fellow with CEPAR, UNSW Sydney
Yajing Xu
Thesis title: Cohort models of mortality and development of a tradeable longevity market
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris and Dr Jonathan Ziveyi
Graduated: 2017, took up a position at Ernst and Young, Shanghai, China
Xiao Xu
Thesis title: Variable annuity guarantee benefits: An integrated study of financial modelling, actuarial valuations and deep learning
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris, A/Professor Jonathan Ziveyi, Professor Jennifer Alonso-Garcia
Graduated: 2020, took up a position as Lecturer at the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney
Xiao Xu, former CEPAR PhD Student |
Xiao se (Luna) Xu
Thesis title: The association between dietary patterns and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NR-RCDs) among older Chinese in China and Australia
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles and Associate Professor John Hall
Graduated: 2016, took up a position as casual academic with the University of Newcastle School of Nursing and Midwifery
Adam Yates
Thesis title: International Obesity and Socioeconomic Status: Relative vs. Absolute
Supervisors: Professor Julie Byles, Professor Catherin D'Este and Dr Paul Kowal
Graduated: 2019, took up a position as a Clinical Epidemiologist and Biostatistician with Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, USA.
Dandan Yu
Thesis title: Three Essays on Household Decision-making
Supervisors: Professor Denzil Fiebig and Professor Denise Doiron
Graduated: 2019, took up a position as a Research Fellow at CEPAR
Xiaoyun Zhang
Thesis title: Three essays on migration, health insurance and pension policies in China
Supervisors: Professor John Piggott, Dr Katja Hanewald and Tess Stafford
Graduated: 2018
Jiaying Zhao
Thesis title: Transitions in mortality from cardiovascular disease in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei.
Supervisors: Professor Zhongwei Zhao and A/Professor Heather Booth
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU
PHd Practicum Graduates
(Crystal) Yu Fu
Thesis title: Health risk assessment in the ageing China: focusing on disability risk
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: Year 2019, took up a position as a Post-doctoral Fellow at National School of Development, in Peking University
Masters Graduates
Aishwarya Bakshi
Thesis title: Managing policy compliance in collaborative aged care environments
Supervisors: Professor Ray Pradeep and Srikumar Venugopal
Graduated: 2013, took up a position at IAG
Shuanglan Li
Thesis title: Investment strategies in pooled annuities
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris, Andres Villegas and Heloise Labit Hardy
Graduated: 2018, took up position as a Project Actuary, Zurich Financial Services Australia.
Chwee Chwee von Sanden
Thesis title: Health and labour force participation among older Australians: Investigating the roles of cognitive and sensory functions.
Supervisors: A/Professor Peter Butterworth and Professor Kaarin Anstey
Graduated: 2014, took up a position at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Honours Graduates
Igor Balnozan
Thesis title: Slow and Steady: Drawdown Behaviours in Phased Withdrawal Retirement Income Products
Supervisors: Anthony Asher and Robert Kohn
Graduated: 2017; commenced PhD at UNSW in 2018 (in progress).
Liqing Chen
Thesis title: The Impact of Age Discrimination Law on the Employment of Older Workers: A Study of European Countries
Supervisor: Shiko Maruyama
Graduated: 2018, currently enrolled in the Economics PhD program at UTS
Daniel Cho
Thesis title: Modelling cross-over risk of equity release products and its implication on risk management
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2012, currently employed as an Actuarial Analyst at Mercer
Sidhant Chopra
Thesis title: Myelin matters - Using a novel in-vivo measure of myelination to investigate the relationship between ageing, myelination and processing speed
Supervisors: Associate Professor Nicolas Cherbuin and Dr Marnie Shaw
Graduated: 2016, took up a position as a Research Officer at the Brain and Mental Health Lab at Monash University
Shahin Elliin
Thesis title: A Trend - Change Extension of the Lee - Carter Model with Applicants to Annuity Pricing
Supervisors: Drs Ralph Stevens and Katja Ignatieva
Graduated: 2014, took up a position at Quantium
Zhiping (Pinky) Huang
Thesis title: Multi-factor Affine Mortality Model with Application to Longevity Risk
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris, Dr Jonathan Ziveyi and Dr Andres Villegas
Graduated: 2018, took up a position in Zurich
Kevin Krahe
Thesis title: Longevity Risk Management: A Value Based Index to Hedge Longevity Risk
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris, Dr Jonathan Ziveyi and Dr Andres Villegas
Graduated: 2018, currently enrolled in the Master of Pre-Doctoral studies with the School of Banking and Finance
Daniel Kontorovich
Thesis title: The Impact of Imagined Ingroup Contact on Age-Based Stereotype Threat and Older Adults’ Cognitive Performance.
Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey.
Graduated: 2020
Alexandro Lai
Thesis title: Default option design: An evaluation of default investment strategies for defined contribution pension funds
Supervisor: Professor Hazel Bateman
Graduated: 2013, took up a position at Quantium
Yolanda Ruizhu Li
Thesis title: Perceived Value of Using Superannuation for Purchasing a Family Home
Supervisor: Dr Ralph Stevens
Graduated: 2014, took up a position at ANZ
William Jichen Li
Thesis title: China's Regional Differences in Life Expectancy
Supervisor: Professor Hazel Bateman
Graduated: 2014, currently undertaking a PhD at UNSW
Zixi Tiffany Li
Thesis title: Modelling Long Term Care Incorporating Systematic Uncertainties in Health Transition Rates
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris and Dr Adam Shao
Graduated: 2015, took up a position as an Investment Banking Analyst at UBS in Hong Kong
Estelle Changyi Liu
Thesis title: Evaluation of Dynamic Hedging Strategies for Managing Longevity Risk
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated:2014, took up a position at Mine Wealth + Wellbeing
Tasnim Rahman
Thesis title: Older workers' Motivation to Continue to Work: An Analysis on Mental Health and Productivity
Supervisors: Olena Stavrunova
Graduated: 2018, Tasnim is now pursuing a PhD project looking to establish developmental neurobiological changes in the maternal-immune-activated model of schizophrenia
Michelle Royters
Thesis title: Continuous Time Valuation Framework of Home Equity Release Products
Supervisors: Jonathan Ziveyi, Andres Villegas, Michael Sherris and Pengyu Wei
Graduated: 2019, Data analytics team, TAL Australia/Marker, supervisor and tutor, Kumon Australia & New Zealand
Dilan SriDaran
Thesis title: Application of Machine Learning to Mortality Modelling
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris, Dr Jonathan Ziveyi and Dr Andres Villegas
Graduated: 2018, took up a position at Ernst and Young
Andy Wong
Thesis title: Natural Hedging of Mortality Risk using Annuities and Life Insurance
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2012, took up a position in the Graduate program CommInsure
Zhiwei Qu
Thesis title: Efficiency study of the Australian superannuation industry
Supervisors: Professor Hazel Bateman and Dr Sasan Bakhtiari
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Graduate at Deloitte-Access Economics
Yu Sun
Thesis title: Optimal investment consumption under systematic longevity risk
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2013, took up a position as a Consultant, Ernst & Young, Actuarial Services - General Insurance
Bofang Tan
Thesis title: What is the smoothest retirement income product?
Supervisors: Professor Anthony Asher, Jonathan Ziveyi and Heloise Labit Hardy
Graduated: 2020, took up a position as an Actuarial Analyst, National Disability Insurance Agency
Oliver Wood
Thesis title: Pricing and hedging guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits under a general Lévy framework using the COS method
Supervisors: Drs Jonathan Ziveyi and Jennifer Alonso Garcia
Graduated: 2016, took at a position at the Commonwealth Bank
Mengyi Xu
Thesis title: Modelling the mortality of heterogeneous populations
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2013, took up a PhD at UNSW
James Yap
Thesis title: Australian disability trends and projections
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris and Dr Joelle Fong
Graduated: 2013, took up a Masters of Actuarial Studies at UNSW
Qiming Zhao
Thesis title: Stochastic Phase-type Multiple State Models for Health and Mortality Risks
Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris
Graduated: 2012, continued in the LLB component of her combined degree at UNSW
Luke Zhou
Thesis title: A structured investigation of retirement income products
Supervisors: Andres Villegas, Dr Héloïse Labit Hardy and A/Professor Jonathan Ziveyi.
Graduated: 2019, took up a position as a Consultant, KPMG Australia (Superannuation Advisory).
Yuxin Zhou
Thesis title: Financial Engineering: A New Longevity Bond to Manage Individual Longevity Risk
Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris, Associate Professor Jonathan Ziveyi, Assistant Professor Mengyi Xu
Graduated: 2019, took up a PhD at UNSW
Safrina Thristiawati
Thesis title: Gender and wellbeing of older Indonesians
Supervisors: Professor Terence Hull, Professor Heather Booth and Dr Iwu Utomo
Graduated: 2013, took up a position with the IRT Foundation