Yuchen Xie, CEPAR PhD Candidate at the UNSW School of Psychology and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), has been awarded the Runner Up Prize of the Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) NSW Student & Early Career Group (SECG) Publication Award 2023, in recognition of the high quality of her publication ‘Navigating Community-Based Aged Care Services From the Consumer Perspective: A Scoping Review’.
Yuchen Xie is a final-year PhD Candidate who is researching on the complexities of navigating aged care systems faced by for older Australians and their families, under the supervision of CEPAR Chief Investigator Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey, CEPAR Principal Research Fellow Associate Professor Myra Hamilton, Associate Investigator Dr Craig Sinclair, and Professor Carmelle Peisah.
Her research uses qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the impact of psychosocial factors and family involvement on access to home-based aged care among older Australians. Furthermore, she also investigates additional challenges faced by culturally and linguistically diverse communities.