CEPAR PhD Candidates Jess Amos, Nicole Ee, Abigail Hansen, Jana Koch and James Lian have been awarded scholarships, sponsorships and awards by Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA).
Jess Amos has been awarded the NeuRA Guy Russo Scholarship. Jess Amos' research project aims to explore mechanisms that could promote or hinder behaviour change in the context of cognitive ageing and dementia risk reduction interventions.
Nicole Ee is the recipient of the NeuRA Helen Poteris and Edward Dunn awards. Nicole Ee's research seeks to explore the relationship between social engagement in wellbeing and cognition in late life.
Abigail Hansen has been awarded the NeuRA Laurie Cowled Scholarship. Abigail Hansen's research seeks to explore the impact of age related changes on trust and psychological predictive factors that lead to use of Advanced-Driver Assistance Systems.
Jana Koch is the recipient of the NeuRA PhD Pearl Sponsorship. Jana Koch is investigating social influences on factors of successful ageing.
James Lian has been awarded the NeuRA PhD Pearl Sponsorship and Bob Williamson Scholarship. James Lian's research aims to explore the impact of childhood adversity on late-life cognition and mental health.