Image: Hands pointing and working on mobile devices
Explore our list of news articles about CEPAR researchers and activities published in 2020.
- Jobs must be redesigned to suit older workers - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald 5 January
- Financial literacy expert warns of 'knowledge gaps' in Switzerland - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - Swiss Info 5 January
- It’s boomer time for the ‘luckiest of Australians’ - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 5 January
- Australian business says the four-day week wouldn't work - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald 7 January
- The End of Retirement - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - The Wall Street Journal 10 January
- 'Retirement' Might Be At An End But Aging and Infirmity are Not - featuring Olivia S Mitchell - Forbes 10 January
- The four-day workweek: pathway to productivity or unpaid work? - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald 12 January
- Are people retiring earlier or later? Both are true - and it says a lot about the youngest generations entering and defining the workforce - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - Business Insider 18 January
- If you think you're being underpaid, think again! - featuring Peter McDonald - Daily Mail 20 January
- Investment is the missing piece in economic puzzle - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian 21 January
- Melbourne is set to become the country’s most populous city by 2026 – with vast ramifications - featuring Peter McDonald - The Age 25 January
- OPAN chief among those honoured for contributions to aged care - featuring John Piggott and Robert Cumming - Community Care Review, Australian Ageing Agenda 26 January
- Griffith Uni's Cindy Shannon honoured at a time of personal loss - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 28 January
- Seniors deal with the harsh reality of debt - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - Reuters January 30
- Older workers are more adaptable than you think - featuring Marian Baird and Sharon Parker - The Australian Financial Review 4 February
- Older unemployed and underemployed workers struggling to find roles due to ageism in recruiting - featuring CEPAR - ABC News 7 February
- Pension minimums 'nudge' retirees to spend less, not more - featuring Hazel Bateman - Professional Planner 11 February
- Climate change: Could your super fund be liable? - featuring Rafal Chomik and George Kudrna - UNSW Newsroom 12 February
- Pension crisis, a worldwide phenomenon - featuring Rafal Chomik - Publimetro 13 February
- This one change can improve your retirement wealth by 50% - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - Marketwatch 22 February
- Super freeze 'unwise' in low-rate environment - featuring John Piggott and Rafal Chomik - The Australian Financial Review 27 February
- From obesity to loneliness, how can the middle-aged secure an extra 30 years of health? - featuring James Nazroo - The Telegraph 1 March
- Australian stock market falls more than 2% over coronavirus impact - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Guardian 2 March
- The first economic modelling of COVID-19 scenarios - featuring Warwick McKibbin and Rohsen Fernando - ARC Research Highlights 3 March
- Fact check: Are superannuation tax breaks fair, or do they favour the rich? - featuring George Kudrna - ABC News 3 March
- Growing anger over age pension 'taper trap' - featuring CEPAR - The Australian Financial Review 4 March
- Virus 'could kill up to 100,000 Australians' - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 4 March
- The first economic modelling of coronavirus scenarios is grim for the world - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Guardian 4 March
- Pandemic could knock $2.3 trillion or more from global economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Canberra Times 4 March
- Report suggests up to 96,000 Aussies could die in coronavirus global pandemic - featuring Warwick McKibbin - news.com.au 4 March
- Banks quick to announce rate cuts amid levy fears - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian 4 March
- The first economic modelling of coronavirus scenarios is grim for Australia, the world - by Warwick McKibbin and Roshen Fernando - The Conversation 4 March
- Property boom hides a weak economy heading into big storm clouds - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC Radio 4 March
- Coronavirus will hurt the global economy — but how do you model the cost? An economist explains - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 5 March
- How to understand the risks of 100,000 viral deaths - by Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 5 March
- What are the possible economic effects of COVID-19 on the world economy? Warwick McKibbin’s scenarios - by Warwick McKibbin - The Brookings Institution 6 March
- Podcast: How might COVID-10 affect the global economy? - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Brookings Institution 9 March
- Listen: why does productivity remain weak in Australia? - featuring Warwick McKibbin- The Australian Financial Review 11 March
- Productivity's problem is politics, says McKibbin - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 11 March
- We need bushfire spirit, not toilet roll tantrums - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 12 March
- Extended interview with Warwick McKibbin - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Business 12 March
- Coronavirus will change how we shop, travel and work for years - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Financial Post 13 March
- Warwick McKibbin – Interview New York Times on coronavirus - featuring Warwick McKibbin - New York Times 14 March
- Coronavirus: radical action needed to stem the spread in Australia - featuring Warwick McKibbin - 60 Minutes, Channel 9 15 March
- Governments and the Reserve Bank working on new plans to offset coronavirus - featuring Warwick McKibbin ABC News 17 March
- More coronavirus testing kits coming to Australia as Government considers tougher restrictions on gatherings - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 18 March
- A federal plan to tackle the coronavirus pandemic warns it 'will last 18 months or longer' and could include 'multiple waves' - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Business Insider 18 March
- 'HECS'-style loans backed for coronavirus relief - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 20 March
- 'The alternative is to let the economy to crash and burn': Economist suggests zero-interest long-term loans for everyone - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Canberra Times 20 March
- Coronavirus Recession Looms - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The New York Times 21 March
- Interview with Warwick McKibbin on coronavirus – featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC Radio National, ABC News Radio 20 March
- Economist pushes HECS scheme with zero-interest loans for everyone - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Canberra Times 20 March
- Wuhan Lockdown Halted Spread of Coronavirus Across China - featuring Hanming Fang - Penn LDI 22 March
- Coronavirus math shows the importance of social distancing and the horrible consequences of not doing it - featuring Hanming Fang - The Inquirer 24 March
- Older workers feel excluded from the workforce - featuring Sharon Parker - SBS World News, Radio, TV and online - 21 March
- Mathieu Perreault interviews Warwick McKibbin - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Canada Press 26 March
- Interview with Warwick McKibbin on pandemics - featuring Warwick McKibbin - CNN 26 March
- Pure target-date fund investors see significantly more gains - featuring Olivia Mitchell - Pensions and Investments 27 March
- Australia Says Goodbye to the World's Longest Boom - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The New York Times 27 March
- Government says Australia's coronavirus curve may be flattening - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Conversation 29 March
- CUHK Business School Research Shows Wuhan Lockdown Significantly Cut COVID-19 Infections - featuring Hanming Fang - Business Insider; Berita Riau Terkini 30 March
- How the government's $320billion coronavirus cash injection could leave Australia in debt for a generation - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Daily Mail Australia 31 March
- Comment l'injection de liquidités de 320 milliards de dollars du gouvernement laissera l'Australie endettée pendant une génération - featuring Warwick McKibbin News24 31 March
- Wuhan lockdown is effective - featuring Hanming Fang - The Star 1 April
- Coronavirus: comparing today's crisis to 2008 reveals some interesting things about China - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Conversation 1 April
- Schroders: Das Coronavirus wird eine "schwere" Rezession auslösen - featuring Warwick McKibbin and Roshen Fernando - Finanzen CH 1 April
- Trading retirement income for cash now: should you withdraw $20,000 from your super? - featuring Rafal Chomik - The National Tribune 6 April
- Virus could cut $894m from Australian tech market this year - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Financial Review 7 April
- Interview with Rafal Chomik - featuring Rafal Chomik - ABC The Drive 7 April
- How China made its COVID-19 lockdown work - by Bei Lu - East Asia Forum 7 April
- Modelling the economic consequences of Covid-19 - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Vox CEPR Policy Portal 7 April
- économiste et professeur universitaire - featuring Warwick McKibbin - La Presse de Tunisie 8 April
- The crisis isn't looking so bad - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 8 April
- Older people in Australia want to be part of today's workforce, despite coronavirus challenges - featuring Sharon Parker - SBS News 10 April
- 'Your money': Ask these three big questions to assess your financial literacy - featuring Olivia Mitchell - Union Leader 11 April
- COVID-19 and lessons for public health - featuring Hanming Fang - Penn Today 14 April
- Jokowi must give underprivileged millennials more attention. They deserve it - featuring Peter McDonald - The Jakarta Post 22 April
- An upcoming social policy framework can help reduce poverty in Indonesia's rapidly ageing population - featuring George Kudrna and John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 22 April
- RBA warns of 'biggest contraction since 1930s' due to COVID-19 - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 22 April
- 'Extreme' COVID-19 epidemic better than lockdown argues economist, but others strongly disagree - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 22 April
- Australians being granted early access to superannuation - featuring Susan Thorp - ABC TV News 27 April
- Australian leaders given two strategies for rebounding from COVID-19 - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Sydney Morning Herald 29 April
- COVID-19: The 'Experts' Have No Crystal Ball - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Epoch Times 29 April
- How the pandemic is making the retirement crisis worse - and what to do about it - featuring Olivia Mitchell - Forbes 30 April
- Employment experts say over-45s face discrimination in Australian job market, workforce at risk of losing knowledge experience - featuring Marian Baird - ABC News 1 May
- Over-Cooked: a new twist in the national tale - featuring Peter McDonald - The Sydney Morning Herald 2 May
- Carers need respite from care. COVID-19’s limiting the options & pushing many to breaking point - by Myra Hamilton - Women's Agenda 4 May
- Cutting immigration would hurt the economy and communities: Morrison - featuring Peter McDonald - The Sydney Morning Herald 5 May
- Moshe Milevsky: How to Lower Retirement Risk at a Turbulent Time - featuring Olivia Mitchell - Morningstar 6 May
- Can countries balance trade-off between saving lives and economic recovery? - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Arirang News 6 May
- Exit strategy: how to lift lockdown - featuring Philip Clarke - ABC News 7 May
- QUT professor proposes an interim solution to relax social isolation - featuring Philip Clarke - News Medical 7 May
- Macroeconomic frameworks need urgent review - by Warwick McKibbin - Asia and The Pacific Policy Society 7 May
- Working from home is nothing new to mothers - by Marian Baird and Myra Hamilton - The Sydney Morning Herald 8 May
- Lockdown leads to more time in the bedroom, but babies won't follow - feautring Peter McDonald - The News Daily 13 May
- How to keep JobKeeper going - by John Piggott - The Australian Financial Review 14 May
- Policy tool could help businesses to transition from JobKeeper without financial disruption - featuring John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 14 May
- HECS-style loans for businesses could help transition from JobKeeper - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, WA Today, The Brisbane Times, 10daily.com.au (and 34 more) 14 May
- JobKeeper transition should be through HECS style loans - featuring John Piggott - Canberra Times 14 May
- The coronavirus pandemic's impact is expected to be reflected in the Australian Bureau - featuring John Piggott - ABC TV, News 14
- Uni style loans could ease subsidy exit - featuring John Piggott - Canberra Times 14 May
- JobKeeper to loan proposed - featuring John Piggott - West Australian 14 May
- Loan scheme to ease JobKeeper transition - featuring John Piggott - Kingscote Islander 14 May
JobKeeper transition should be through HECS style loans - featuring John Piggott - Mandurah Mail 14 May plus Port Augusta, Lakes Mail, Victor Harbor Times, Northern Argus, Coastal Leader, Watcha News, Eyre Penninsula Tribune, Murray Valley, Parkes Champion-Post, Cowra Guardian, Kiama Independent, Narooma News, Murray Valley Standard, Bellinhen Courier, Naracoorte Herald, Tenterfield Star, Port Stephens Examiner, Riverina Leader, Braidwood Times, Singleton Argus, Dungog Chronicle, redlandcitybulletin.com.au, Fairfield Champion, Macarthur Advertiser, The Queanbeyan Age, Moree Champion, Boorowa News, Gloucester Advocate, Canowindra News, Crookwell Gazette, The Rural, Town & Country Magazine, Hawkesbury Gazette, The Advocate (Hepburn), West Coast Sentinel, Narromine News, Esperance Express, Eden Magnet, beaudeserttimes.com.au, Wollondilly Advertiser, Avon Valley Advocate, Port Pirie Recorder and 14 more
- Loan scheme to ease JobKeeper transition - featuring John Piggott - Yahoo! Finance Australia, 9News.com.au, 7news.com.au, The Senior, Cessnock Advertiser, Eden Magnet, Fairfield Champion and 83 more 14 May
- Fighting COVID-19 in the Global Economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - NHK World Japan 14 May
- Lockdown leads to more time in the bedroom, but babies won’t follow - featuring Peter McDonald - The New Daily 16 May
- Foreign students show Morrison at his most flexible and stubborn - featuring Peter McDonald - Sydney Morning Herald 16 May
- Experts say S. Korean economy will be relatively unscathed by COVID-19 - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Arirang News 20 May 2020
- Fact Sheet provides a snapshot of ongoing health and economic risks caused by COVID-19 in Australia - featuring Rafal Chomik - Mirage News 22 May
- Economists fight over the human cost of lockdown - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Financial Review 27 May
- $60 billion JobKeeper shortfall should be spent, economists argue - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 28 May
- Coronavirus: ‘We have workers to plug the skills gap’ - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 1 June
- Coronavirus: Frydenberg welcomes rush to access super - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 1 June
- 5 Ideas from a Retirement Expert's New Paper, for Annuity Sellers - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - ThinkAdvisory 2 June
- It's lift-off soon, but can we handle the baggage? - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 2 June
- Immigration sweet spot to enhance skills and growth - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 2 June
- 'Panic index' shows Australians were the world's best panic buyers - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times, WA Today 2 June
- Coronavirus: Visa restrictions are a bar to career prospects for migrants - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 3 June
- Basket case study: Australians led world in panic buying - featuring Tim Neal and Mike Keane - The Age 3 June
- Australia led the world in panicked buying frenzy - featurng Tim Neal and Mike Keane - The Sydney Morning Herald 3 June
- Panic-buying: Australians top global charts for toilet paper stockpiling - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - The New Daily 3 June
- UNSW study finds Australians were worst panic buyers in the world - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - The Herald Sun 3 June
- Australian shoppers were the quickest panic buyers in the world, researchers say - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - Nine News 3 June
- Off the chart: Australians were world leaders in panic buying, beating UK and Italy - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - The Guardian 3 June
- Australia’s panic buying shame - featuring Tim Neal and Mike Keane - The Ipswich Advertiser, Ballina Shire Advocate, Balonne Beacon, Bundaberg News Mail, Byron Shire News, Central & North Burnett Times, Central Queensland News, Central Telegraph, Chinchilla News, Coolum News, Daily Mercury, Dalby Herald, Fraser Coast Chronicle, Gatton Star, Gladstone Observer, Lismore Echo, Noosa News, Queensland Times, South Burnett Times, Stanthorpe Border Post, Sunshine Coast Daily, Surat Basin, The Chronicle (Toowoomba), The Coffs Coast Advocate, The Daily Examiner, The Gympie Times, The Morning Bulletin, The Northern Star, The Western Star, Tweed Daily News, Warwick Daily News, Western Times, Whitsunday Times 3 June
- UNSW study finds Australians were worst panic buyers in the world - featuring Tim Neal and Mike Keane - Weekly Times Now, Adelaide Now, Cairns Post, Geelong Advertiser, Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, NT News, News.com.au, The Courier Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Mercury, Townsville Bulletin
- Breakfast with Fiona Poole - featuring Tim Neal - ABC Radio 3 June
- 1206 2CC mornings - featuring Tim Neal - 1206 2CC Radio 3 June
- ABC Drive with Josh Szeps - featuring Tim Neal - ABC Radio 3 June
- Aussies the world’s biggest panic buyers - featuring Tim Neal - Drinks Trade 3 June
- Newsradio Mornings - featuring Tim Neal - ABC NewsRadio 4 June
- Australians were the fastest panic buyers in the world - featuring Tim Neal - Australia's Science Channel 4 June
- Australia leads the world – in panic buying - featuring Tim Neal and Mike Keane - Open Forum 4 June
- Strewth! - featuring Tim Neal - The Australian 4 June
- Australians Were the World's Worst Coronavirus Hoarders, According to Report - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - VICE 4 June
- Don’t panic! We’re No.1 - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - The Australian 4 June
- Australians were the worst pandemic hoarders in the world, new report states – featuring Tim Neal - Happy Media 5 June
- Pandemic Habits: A global study shows Australia started panic buying early – featuring Tim Neal - AdNews 5 June
- Breakfast with Zara Margolis - featuring Tim Neal - ABC North West Queensland 5 June
- Should You Tap Retirement Funds in a Crisis? Increasingly People Say Yes - featuring Olivia Mitchell - The Wall Street Journal 4 June
- Why managers need to trust, not tether - featuring Sharon Parker - The Australian 5 June
- How managers are managing remote working during Covid - featuring Sharon Parker - The Australian 5 June
- Markets shrug off $500b debt load - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Australian Financial Review 5 June
- Unemployed must have a big say in Australia's post coronavirus recovery - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Australian 5 June
- Australians were the worlds worst coronavirus hoarders, according to report - featuring Mike Keane and Tim Neal - VICE 5 June
- Gong for ANU's Bruce Chapman - featuring John Piggott - The Australian 10 June
- Out of work mums losing parent payment - featuring Marian Baird - NT News, Adelaide Now, Cairns Post, Geelong Advertiser, Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, News.com.au, The Courier Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Mercury, Townsville Bulletin, Weekly Times Now 12 June
- ALDI toilet paper: Mum spots bizarre detail after the panic buying shortage – featuring Tim Neal - The Advertiser 13 June
- Study unmasks virus hoarders - featuring Tim Neal - The Advertiser 13 June
- Serious loo stockpilers - featuring Tim Neal - Geelong Advertiser 13 June
- Toilet paper hoarders unmasked at last - featuring Tim Neal - Sound Telegraph, Harvey-Waroona Reporter, The West Australian 14 June
- Toilet paper hoarders unmasked at last - featuring Tim Neal and Mike Keane - Gatton Star, Ballina Shire Advocate, Balonne Beacon, Bundaberg News Mail, Byron Shire News, Cairns Post, Central & North Burnett Times, Central Queensland News, Central Telegraph, Chinchilla News, Coolum News, Daily Mercury, Dalby Herald, Fraser Coast Chronicle, Geelong Advertiser, Gladstone Observer, Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, Lismore Echo, NT News, Noosa News, Queensland Times, South Burnett Times, Stanthorpe Border Post, Sunshine Coast Daily, Surat Basin, The Chronicle (Toowoomba), The Coffs Coast Advocate, The Courier Mail, The Daily Examiner, The Daily Telegraph, The Gympie Times, The Ipswich Advertiser, The Mercury, The Morning Bulletin, The Northern Star, The Western Star, Townsville Bulletin, Tweed Daily News, Warwick Daily News, Weekly Times Now, Western Times, Whitsunday Times 14 June
- Persistent racism' still mars job prospects for BAME Britons - featuring James Nazroo - The Guardian 14 June
- Afternoons with Sonya Feldhoff - featuring Tim Neal ABC News Radio 15 June
- Ethnic minorities' employment prospects lag behind due to 'persistent racism' - featuring James Nazroo - Mirage News 15 June
- Higher super will cost jobs, wages: Industry Super paper - featuring CEPAR - Australian Financial Review 15 June
- Australia’s ageing population means our roads could get less safe, but researchers have a solution - featuring Kaarin Anstey - The New Daily 17 June
- How can we build better retirement systems in the wake of COVID-19? Wharton's Mitchell has some ideas - featuring Olivia Mitchell - Benefits Pro 19 June
- RBA's Lowe opens door to inflation target review - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Financial Review 22 June
- Virus Surge Jolts Prospects for World Economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Yahoo Finance 22 June
- Surge in coronavirus cases jolts prospects for world economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Japan Times 22 June
- Does lowering uric acid with allopurinol slow progression of chronic kidney disease? - featuring Philip Clarke - Medical Research 24 June
- Global macroeconomic scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic - featuring Warwick McKibbin and Roshen Fernando - The Brookings Institute 25 June
- Record drop in job vacancies as virus hits - feautring Warwick McKibbin - Nine News 25 June
- Pandemic will cause globe $US21 trillion in economic pain - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Mirage News 25 June
- COVID-19 to cost Australia $170 billion and women will bear the brunt - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Sydney Morning Herald 25 June
- Young women to pay half a billion dollars more for uni courses - featuring Marian Baird - Brisbane Times 26 June
- Economist backs HECS-style loans to replace Jobkeeper - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Canberra Times 26 June
- International conference on pension challenges and opportunities - featuring Hazel Bateman - Mirage News 26 June
- The verdict is in: Morrison's plan has zero credibility - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The New Daily 29 June
- Moderate drinking may improve cognitive health for older adults, study says - featuring Kaarin Anstey - Independent Tribune 29 June
- Coronavirus reveals the precarious position of women in 'disposable workforce' - featuring Marian Baird - ABC News 30 June
- Moderate drinking may improve cognitive health for older adults, study says - featuring Kaarin Anstey - CNN 1 July
- Moderate Drinking May Improve Cognitive Health For Older Adults, Study Says - featuring Kaarin Anstey - CBS 1 July
- Superannuation versus wages: will workers really end up paying for their own super rise? - featuring CEPAR - The Guardian 1 July
- Politics with Michelle Grattan: two leading economists on Australia's post-COVID economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Conversation 2 July
- Fly in, don't fly out: miners do it tough - featuring Sharon Parker - The Australian 3 July
- When FIFO proves the tyranny of distance - featuring Sharon Parker - The Australian 4 July
- What does the roadmap to recovery look like for Australia? - featuring John Piggott - UNSW Newsroom 8 July
- FIFO 'economic prisoners' trapped behind 'artificial' WA borders - featuring Sharon Parker - Sky News 9 July
- Study finds over 55s who lost jobs due to pandemic have low chance of finding new roles - featuring John Piggott - ABCNews Radio 11 July
- Extended interview with Warwick McKibbin - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC News 14 July
- The world is heading for a population crisis but not the one it was expecting - featuring Peter McDonald - Sydney Morning Herald 21 July
- An open letter to Australia's Education Minister Dan Tehan - signed by 73 senior professors - featuring Kaarin Anstey - UNSW Newsroom 22 July
- The Drum - featuring John Piggott - ABC 23 July
- 2020 Silver Economy Forum- China Kick-Off Event - featuring John Beard - Global Coalition on Aging 22 July
- Morrison reins in Frydenberg over Thatcher, Reagan - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Australian Financial Review 27 July
- Interview with Sharon Parker - featuring Sharon Parker - Sky News 29 July
- ANU stands ready to steer Australia through crisis - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Mirage News 3 August
- Manchester part of UK's first national pledge to reduce ethnic inequalities in mental health care - featuring James Nazroo - Mirage News 5 August
- How to hedge you superannuation fund against recession risk - featuring Mengyi Xu and Michael Sherris - BusinessThink UNSW 5 August
- To what extent can a countrys wealth be influenced by public policies such as tax, pension and super? - featuring George Kudrna - UNSW Newsroom 7 August
- To what extent can a country's wealth be influenced by public policies such as tax, pension and super? - featuring George Kudrna - The National Tribune 7 August
- Second stage of super withdrawals boosts non-essential spending - featuring Susan Thorp - The Sydney Morning Herald 17 August
- Coronavirus pandemic baby boom or bust? History and economics offer answers - featuring Peter McDonald - ABC News 19 August
- Superannuation guarantee is being increased from 9.5 percent to 10 percent next year - featuring Susan Thorp - SBS TV 19 August
- 'No end in sight': Border closures take mental toll on Mandurah FIFO workers - featuring Sharon Parker - Mandurah Mail 21 August
- Sharon Parker interviewed for the podcast episode: Remote management in the COVID era - featuring Sharon Parker - Demystifying Organization Podcast 21 August
- Coronavirus: As the young lose their jobs, should older workers be forced to retire? - featuring Sharon Parker and Rafal Chomik - The Australian 22 August
- Josh Frydenberg and the monumental task that will define him - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Sydney Morning Herald 25 August
- Overcoming cultural difference in end-of-life planning - featuring Craig Sinclair - Retail Pharmacy Magazine, Retail Pharmacy Assistants 25 August
- Only 25% of older Australians have an advance care plan. Coronavirus makes it even more important - by Craig Sinclair - The Conversation, republished by UNSW Newsroom 26 August
- Sydney experts explain what we can do to close the gender pay gap - featuring Marian Baird - The University of Sydney 27 August
- Fed Shift, Interest-Rate Guidance, World Hunger Crisis: Eco Day - featuring Warwick McKibbin - BNN Bloomberg 31 August
- Exploring cognitive ageing and its impacts on individuals - featuring CEPAR, Kaarin Anstey - ARC Marking a Difference, Outcomes of ARC supported research August
- Global Recovery May Be Job Poor on Tech Shifts, McKibbin Says - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Bloomberg Quint 31 August
- The Australians accessing their super early during the pandemic - featuring Susan Thorp - ABC 7.30 Report 1 September
- Many withdrawing super early underestimate impact on retirement balance - featuring CEPAR - Head Topics 2 September
- What's the economic cost of Covid-19 - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Newschain 2 September
- Many withdrawing super early underestimate impact on retirement balance - featuring CEPAR - ABC News 2 September
- Coronavirus UK live updates as 1,813 new cases confirmed, 12 deaths and lockdown rules changing - featuring Philip Clarke - Hull Daily Mail 5 September
- The economy may never be the same - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Bloomberg 5 September
- Fathers step up to do more care during pandemic - featuring Marian Baird - Brisbane Times 6 September
- What else could go wrong for world economy before 2020 is done - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Economic Times 6 September
- Working from home: blessing or curse? Professor Sharon Parker has the answers (yes, there’s more than one) - featuring Sharon Parker - Seriously Social 7 September
- Leading Australian economists on the COVID-19 crisis - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Australian Academy of Science 15 September
- Road to recovery hinges on controlling COVID-19: RBA and economists - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Sydney Morning Herald 16 September
- Fewer single mums are skipping meals or shoplifting during pandemic: report - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald 17 September
- Baby Boomers won't cop it: Ken Henry's aged care warning - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald 17 September
- Aged care forms so complex they bamboozled the former treasurer - featuring John Piggott - The Brisbane Times, WA Today 17 September
- Royal Commission: “Absolute madness” to have taxpayer funded aged care for those who can afford to pay for their own care - featuring Michael Sherris and John Piggott - The Weekly Source
- Who will be first in line when a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, and who will have to wait? - featuring Philip Clarke - ABC News 19 September
- The Growing Complexity and Diversity of Taiwanese Families - featuring Peter McDonald - The News Lens International 19 September
- Portfolio insurance provides strong protection: Research - featuring Mengyi Xu - Financial Standard 19 September
- Who will get the coronavirus vaccine first? - featuring Philip Clarke - The Star 20 September
- 'Astounding' expenditure looms in recession-busting federal budget - featuring Peter McDonald - The Age 20 September
- Baby slump: Australian newborn deficit to hit budget bottom line - featuring Peter McDonald - The Brisbane Times 22 September
- Opinion: Hope to retire someday? See if you can answer these six simple questions - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - MarketWatch 23 September
- What is driving people's decision to withdraw their super now? - featuring Hazel Bateman and Susan Thorp - UNSW Newsroom 25 September
- Migration and income growth: policy changes to drive Australia's recovery - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 25 September
- Covid Death Toll Nears 1 Million, But Real Number May Be Double - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Bloomberg, New Straits Times 25 September
- Media Watch Dog: ABC’s Q&A program fires up a Green-left stack on Covid recovery - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 25 September
- SMSF changes unlikely to mushroom new funds - featuring Susan Thorp - Financial Standard 25 September
- Susan Thorp on ABC Radio Cairns - featuring CEPAR - ABC Radio Cairns 25 Sep 2020
- Early super raiders unclear on long-term impacts - featuring Hazel Bateman - SMSF Adviser 26 September
- Many who accessed ERS unsure of impact: Research - featuring Hazel Bateman - Financial Standard 26 September
- Australian birth rate set to fall amid coronavirus recession: report - featuring Peter McDonald - Xinhua 26 September
- Coronavirus update: Researchers develop cheaper, faster, accurate Covid-19 test - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Times of India 26 September
- Early super grabbers uncertain on retirement consequences - featuring Hazel Bateman - InvestorDaily 26 September
- Urgent short-term needs drive super early release - featuring Hazel Bateman - Super Review, Money Management 26 September
- Australians withdraw billions from their retirement savings to cope with Covid-19 - featuring Hazel Bateman - The Strait TImes 27 September
- Unemployment reaches a 22-year high just as JobKeeper and JobSeeker cuts take effect - featuring Sharon Parker - The Project, Channel 10, 27 September 27
- Saving For Retirement Just Got Harder In A Sour Fall 2020 Economy - featuring Olivia S. Mitchell - Forbes 27 September
- Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Conversation 27 September
- Diet, exercise and brain training — the cocktail that could help prevent dementia - featuring Kaarin Anstey - ABC News 28 September
- Extended interview with Warwick McKibbin - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC The Business 29 September
- Tackling inequality is key for post-Covid economic recovery say experts - featuring James Nazroo - The University of Manchester Newsroom 30 September
- Many people withdrawing super early don't understand the long-term consequences - featuring Hazel Bateman - Savings.com.au 30 September
- Under the doona, but still at work - featuring Marian Baird The Australian 2 October
- BAME communities and manual workers at greater risk of Covid-19 mortality research shows - featuring James Nazroo - Mancunian Matters 2 October
- ATO cracks down on early release super applicants who do not qualify - featuring CEPAR - The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times 7 October
- 'Once they see your grey hair, that's it': How the federal budget ignored women - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times 7 October
- How COVID-19 will change Australia's policy landscape - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 8 October
- Budget 2020: Parental path not so inviting as baby drought bites - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 8 October
- What's driving COVID-19 early super take-out? - featuring CEPAR - National Seniors 8 October
- Older workers face unemployment crisis exacerbated by JobMaker, experts warn - featuring Marian Baird - ABC News 15 October
- Could super early release be used to pay the mortgage? - featuring CEPAR - Small Caps 17 October
- At heart of broken model for funding aged care is broken trust. Here's how to fix it - by Rafal Chomik - The Conversation, republished by UNSW Newsroom, Modern Australia, Weekend Times, 22 October
- Impact of COVID-19 widens gender equity gap: panel - featuring Marian Baird - University of Sydney Newsroom 23 October
- ‘Could do better’: Top Australian economists award the budget a cautious pass - featuring Warwick McKibbin - Australian Times 26 October
- 'They know the drill': women happier working from home than men - featuring Marian Baird - The Sydney Morning Herald 27 October
- The RBA is stabilising the economy. The next job is to reform it. - by Warwick McKibbin - The Australian Financial Review 3 November
- Union push for aged care worker wage rise - featuring Rafal Chomik - ABC AM 12 November
- Sydney academics recognised for workplace health and wellbeing research - featuring Sharon Parker - The University of Sydney Newsroom 19 November
- Coronavirus vaccines are coming. Who should get them first? - featuring Philip Clarke - The Washington Post 22 November
- Population decline and the economy - featuring Peter McDonald - The Saturday Paper 28 November
- No children doesn't mean more savings for single women - featuring Myra Hamilton - The Sydney Morning Herald 29 November
- The two issues policymakers have to grapple with on JobSeeker - featuring Warwick McKibbin - The Sydney Morning Herald 29 November
- No children doesn't mean more savings for single women - featuring Myra Hamilton - The World News 30 November
- ‘Dire straits’: Older single women without children more likely to enter financial hardship - featuring Myra Hamilton - The New Daily 30 November
- Financial realities are grave for older, single women without children, new study shows - featuring Myra Hamilton - Women's Agenda 1 December
- How should leaders approach innovation in the future? - featuring John Piggott - BusinessThink 3 December
- The three retirement pillars: How the experts are grappling with the retirement income review - featuring John Piggott - The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times 5 December
- Simple steps to protect super for when it is needed most - featuring Rafal Chomik - The Australian Financial Review 9 December
- Why Australia’s fertility rate has plummeted to a historic low - featuring Peter McDonald - 3AW Radio 10 December
- Catalyst for change: How the pandemic changed the way we live and work - featuring Marian Baird - The Age 13 December
- Coronavirus: Little by little, our cities come back to life - featuring Marian Baird - The Australian 15 December
- Age-Dependent Risk Aversion: Re-Evaluating Fiscal Policy Impact of Population Ageing - by Phitawat Poonpolkul - Austaxpolicy 14 December
- How to tap into home equity without losing the roof over your head - featuring Rafal Chomik - The Australian Financial Review 17 December
- Australia needs a policy refresh to support higher fertility - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 23 December
- A Bigger Australia won't solve ageing bulge - featuring Peter McDonald - The Australian 26 December
- A look back at a year that rocked markets and the global economy - featuring Warwick McKibbin - ABC 28 December
- Australia's overall economic growth lies in 'productivity and population growth' - featuring Peter McDonald - SkyNews 29 December
- Coronavirus will change how we shop, travel and work for years - featuring Warwick McKibbin and Roshen Fernando - Houston Chronicle 31 December