Image: Luke Zhou, CEPAR Honours Candidate
Luke Zhou, CEPAR Honours candidate, Bachelor of Actuarial Studies at UNSW Sydney, has been awarded the 2019 Brian Gray Scholarship by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
The scholarship, valued at $15,000, supports students pursuing careers in finance, economics, actuarial science, econometrics, statistics or related disciplines.
Under the program, scholarship recipients will devote a substantial amount of time to an agreed research topic and present their findings to APRA and RBA staff upon completion of their research.
Luke Zhou will be researching a structured investigation of retirement income products. He is working on developing a mathematical framework to evaluate the guarantees in various retirement income products.
The Brian Gray Scholarship program was established by APRA and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) in September 2002 in memory of Brian Gray, APRA's former Executive General Manager, Policy Research and Consulting, who spent more than two decades shaping regulatory policy in the financial area in his roles at the RBA and APRA.
More information on the Brian Gray Scholarship is available on the APRA website at: Brian Gray Scholarship program