Image: People crossing the street
Date: 15 July 2019
Venue: Tyree Room, John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Sydney
CEPAR’s Australia-China Population Ageing Research Hub at the UNSW Business School is hosting its 5th Annual Workshop on Population Ageing and the Chinese Economy. This one-day workshop will be held on 15 July 2019 at UNSW Sydney and brings together academic experts, policymakers and industry practitioners to examine the impact of an ageing demographic on the Chinese economy.
The workshop features a keynote speech by Professor Hanming Fang.
Hanming Fang is Class of 1965 Term Professor of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania and Dean of the School of Entrepreneurship and Management at ShanghaiTech University. He is a Partner Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and the Scientific Director of CEPAR’s Australia-China Population Ageing Research Hub. Professor Fang is an applied microeconomist with broad theoretical and empirical interests focusing on public economics. His research covers topics ranging from discrimination, social economics, psychology and economics, and welfare reform to public good provision mechanisms, auctions, health insurance markets, and population aging. In 2008, Professor Fang was awarded the 17th Kenneth Arrow Prize by the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) for his research on the sources of advantageous selection in the Medigap insurance market. Professor Fang is currently working on issues related to insurance markets, particularly the interaction between the health insurance reform and the labour market, and the alternative health insurance reform proposals. He also studies the Chinese economy, particularly on issues related to population aging and social security. He has been a co-editor for leading economics journals, including the Journal of Public Economics and the International Economic Review, and has served on the editorial board for numerous journals. He was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society in 2018.
Academic Committee
Dr Katja Hanewald, UNSW, CEPAR
Professor Hanming Fang, University of Pennsylvania, ShanghaiTech University, CEPAR
Scientia Professor John Piggott, UNSW, CEPAR
About CEPAR and the Australia-China Population Ageing Research Hub
The Australia-China Population Ageing Research Hub is based at the UNSW Sydney node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), a globally recognised multidisciplinary Australian research collaboration between academia, government and industry, committed to delivering solutions to one of the major economic and social challenges of the 21st century: population ageing.
The Hub undertakes extensive research into pension, social security and health implications of an ageing population in China, led by CEPAR Director Scientia Professor John Piggott and CEPAR Partner Investigator Professor Hanming Fang. The Hub’s research team consists of researchers Dr Katja Hanewald, Dr Bei Lu, Dr Yuanyuan Deng and Dr Sisi Yang as well as a number of PhD students, working on key areas that deliver new insights into priority reform areas, and the policy strategies to best suit the changing economic and demographic structure in China.
Direct event or media enquiries to: Silke Weiss