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Hal Kendig

You are invited to join together with Hal Kendig's colleagues, friends and family to celebrate his life and to honour his achievements at a memorial event on 24 August in Canberra.

James Nazroo

The wellbeing gap between rich and poor widens as we age. James Nazroo is a professor of sociology at Manchester University and a partner investigator with CEPAR at UNSW Business School. He recently gave a public lecture on inequality in later life for the UNSW Grand Challenges program. Nazroo spoke with Julian Lorkin for BusinessThink.

Fedor Iskhakov

CEPAR Associate Investigator Dr Fedor Iskhakov of the ANU Research School of Economics (RSE) and former CEPAR senior research fellow at UNSW, has been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship.

Hal Kendig

Emeritus Professor Hal Kendig’s final public contribution to the discussion of ageing was published in the Australasian Journal on Ageing this week.

LTC conference

The deepening complexities of aged care, including changing morbidities and funding for long term care insurance and investment, have been investigated at an international conference at UNSW Sydney last week.

Bob Cumming Channel 9

One in three people over 65 experience a fall each year, risking serious injury and even death. At the 4th International Conference of Long-Term Care Directors last week, CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Robert Cumming from the University of Sydney presented an overview of the measures to prevent falls.

Aged care support

The deepening complexities of aged care, including changing morbidities and funding for long term care insurance and investment, will be investigated at an international conference at UNSW Sydney this week.

Mengyi Xu

CEPAR research fellow Dr Mengyi Xu from UNSW has been awarded the prize for Best CEPAR PhD thesis in 2017 for her thesis on Retirement savings and housing. This year, for the first time, the prize is awarded as a commemoration of Professor Hal Kendig.

John Piggott

CEPAR Director Professor John Piggott has been awarded a prestigious four-week academic writing residency from the Rockefeller Foundation, to work on ageing issues in the Asian region. The residency is located at the Foundation’s Bellagio Center in Italy.