CEPAR researchers Rafal Chomik, Professor Philip O'Keefe and Scientia Professor John Piggott, and colleagues, have recently published papers on the economic and social impacts of population ageing in Asia in a special edition of China: An International Journal.
The paper Population Ageing, Productivity and Technological Change in Asia by Rafal Chomik and John Piggott explores the interactions between demographic ageing, productivity and economic growth, and assembles evidence of links between age and productivity at the individual, firm and country levels, drawn from both Asian and global settings.
The paper Ageing, Work and Retirement in China, East and Southeast Asia by Philip O'Keefe, together with John Giles and Yang Huang from the World Bank, includes empirical evidence on work and retirement behaviour of older people in East and Southeast Asia, their main drivers, and policy options for enhancing productive working lives in the region.
The papers were presented at a conference hosted by the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore in late 2020, in collaboration with the National Institute of Social Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Department of Sociology of Tsinghua University.
O'Keefe, P., Giles, J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Ageing, Work and Retirement in China, East and Southeast Asia. China: An International Journal 19(3), 53-78.
Chomik, R., & Piggott, J. (2021). Population Ageing, Productivity and Technological Change in Asia. China: An International Journal 19(3), 33-52.