The Minister for Education Dan Tehan announced new government funding for research projects through the Australian Research Council (ARC).
CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Kaarin Anstey and CEPAR Associate and Partner Investigators Dr Kim Kiely and Professor Carol Jagger were awarded a research grant for their Discovery Project (DP) on healthy and working life expectancies in an ageing Australia.
The project aims to identify social circumstances that optimise health and working life years in Australia, drawing on international multidisciplinary expertise to critically evaluate social variation and inequalities in the years older adults live in good health and are engaged in work.
Expected outcomes include the generation of new policy-relevant knowledge on older workers, active retirement, and healthy ageing which will advance the field of life course epidemiology and inform the debate about Australia’s future ageing.
CEPAR Chief Investigator Robert Cumming has also been awarded DP funding as part of an international project team investigating a multispecies approach within nomadic medical practices and how this knowledge has been transmitted on the Mongolian Plateau. The project expects to contribute to research on global health across species, as well as across different environmental contexts within local settings.
Each research project will receive over $400,000 in ARC funding over three years.