Image: Dr Richard Arthur, CEPAR Graduate
At over 70 years of age, Dr Richard Arthur graduated from the Australian National University (ANU) this year with a Doctor of Philosophy after completing a thesis which examines associations between anxiety and cognitive ageing.
Dr Arthur received a CEPAR PhD supplementary scholarship and investigated whether anxiety predicts earlier or accelerated cognitive decline in the older age population. His research project was conducted within the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration and CEPAR. The research draws on the Personality and Total Health (PATH) Through Life dataset, a large population-based, longitudinal cohort study focusing on common mental disorders and cognitive function.
CEPAR Deputy Director Kaarin Anstey, Scientia Professor of Psychology at UNSW Sydney and Dr Richard Arthur’s supervisor, congratulates him on his accomplishment.
“We are proud to have had him graduating with us,” she said. "Richard is a leading example of lifelong learning. With one in seven Australians aged 65 or over, and the population ageing, we can expect to see more older people in Australia's universities.”
Dr Arthur had returned to university studies in 2010 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, with honours, in 2013. He commenced his PhD research at ANU in 2014. His PhD thesis, 'Is anxiety a risk factor in cognitive ageing?', was completed in 2019. Looking for new challenges, Dr Arthur explained he “undertook the PhD to extend [his] research abilities.”
“I am grateful to my supervisor, Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey for guiding me before and throughout my PhD research program. Her insightful and frank feedback, and her support and encouragement, provided my path of learning and development and made possible the accomplishment of this project,” said Dr Arthur.
“I thank also my panel advisors Dr Richard Burns, Dr Moyra Mortby and Professor Richard O’Kearney.
Arthur, Richard (2019): Is Anxiety a Risk Factor in Cognitive Ageing?. Australian National University. DOI: 10.25911/5d5148b663c66.