Jess Amos, CEPAR PhD Candidate at the UNSW School of Psychology and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), has won the 2023 Visualise Your Thesis competition at UNSW Sydney and participates in the International Visualise Your Thesis competition in October.
She has created a visual elevator pitch to present her research on exploring the factors that promote or hinder behaviour change in the context of cognitive ageing and dementia risk reduction intervention.
Jess Amos now participates in the International Visualise Your Thesis competition. The international competition winner will be the student whose video achieves the highest number of views between Monday, 02 October 2023 00:01 – Friday, 06 October 2023 23:59 AEDT.
Jess' video is titled 'Changing behaviour: What works and why for dementia risk reduction?'.
Jess is a third-year PhD candidate and is supervised by CEPAR Chief Investigator Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey and CEPAR Associate Investigators Drs Lidan Zheng and Sophie Andrews.
Visualise Your Thesis is an international program that challenges higher degree research candidates to present their project in a 60-second audio-visual explainer. The program provides an opportunity for universities from across the world to showcase their graduate research and for the participants to build essential information and digital literacy skills to effectively communicate complex research to a general audience.