Luke Zhou with Jonathan Morris, UNSW Dean of the Graduate Research School (Image: UNSW)
Luke Zhou, CEPAR Honours student at the UNSW node, won the Higher Degree Research Poster Competition in Stream 2 at the recent UNSW Business School Student Research Fair. He presented his Honours research project ‘A structured investigation of retirement income products’.
“I am working on developing a mathematical framework to evaluate the guarantees in various retirement income products. Currently there are many products available on the market - and proposed by academics - all with different features and guarantees,” Luke Zhou said.
“It is difficult for retirees to evaluate the most suitable retirement income product, and my research aims to make this decision easier for retirees. Also, for policymakers and industry the cost of such guarantees will be more transparent, allowing them to understand the risks embedded in selling these products,” he said.
“I would like to thank my supervisors Andrés Villegas, Héloïse Labit Hardy and Jonathan Ziveyi for their research support, and CEPAR for the assistance through the Honours Scholarship.”
The UNSW Business School Student Research Fair is held annually where over 30 Higher Degree Research students and Honours students showcase their research to UNSW academics.