CEPAR Director, John Piggott, will open the Ian Castles roundtable on tax and social security at the Australian National University (ANU) on13th October.
John Piggott will be one of two Henry Review Panel members to set the scene. He will discuss taxation and superannuation issues alongside fellow panel member, Jeff Harmer, Secretary of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, who will discuss transfers and the age pension.
The workshop brings together government, academic and industry experts to discuss taxation and social security reform. Other key presenters include Hazel Bateman, Director, Centre for Pensions and Centre for Pensions; Professor Peter Whiteford, Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW; and former Australian Statistician, Dennis Trewin.
'This is a timely follow-up to last week's tax forum. It is a chance for people from government, academia, the not-for-profit sector and the private sector to analyse the outcomes of the tax forum, and consider the reform priorities for Australia's tax and social security system in light of the Henry and Harmer reports,' Professor Piggott said.
'If Australia is to meet the challenges of an ageing society, reforming our tax and social security system has to be a priority.'
The annual roundtable is held in honour of Ian Castles AO OBE (1935 - 2010), former Secretary of the Department of Finance (1979-86), Australian Statistician and visiting fellow at ANU. The 2011 roundtable is being hosted by ANU in partnership with the Australia and New Zealand School of Government and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.