CEPAR is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with the Pension Research Council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and Netspar at Tilburg University (The Netherlands), to launch the International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR). The Research Office of Willis Towers Watson is also assisting.
INPARR has as its mission the promotion and advancement of high-quality social science research on pensions, ageing, and retirement. With the OECD serving as the Secretariat, INPARR intends to organize a global annual research meeting; disseminate research through working papers, journals, and other media; elect INPARR Fellows recognizing their contributions to the area; support and facilitate the development of junior researchers; develop a website highlighting resources in the area as well as social networks; and select/recruit affiliated organizations including policy groups interested in pension research.