CEPAR and the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies, UNSW Business School, are co-hosting the 31st Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research on 5-6 December 2023 at UNSW Sydney, and an online session on 7 December 2023 which is sponsored by the International Pension Research Association (IPRA).
Expressions of interest to be included in the program of the 31st Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research and the IPRA sponsored online session are open; the submission deadline is 18 August 2023.
This year the Program Committee specifically invites submissions on:
- Decumulation and retirement income (including defaults)
- Financial advice, guidance and engagement
- Cognitive decline and financial decisions of older adults
- ESG, climate risk and superannuation/pensions
Contributions are also welcome on other topics, which may include but are not limited to:
Public pensions and sustainable fiscal policy; taxation of superannuation/pensions; superannuation/pensions and labour markets; regulation and performance of superannuation/pension funds; use of housing assets in old age; financing aged care costs; choice architecture and defaults; financial product disclosure; financial literacy and financial education; longevity and healthy life expectancy; and gender issues in superannuation/pensions.
Early career researchers and research students (including PhD, Masters and Honours students) are particularly encouraged to make a submission. A cash prize will be awarded for the ‘Best Student Presentation.’
Submission process:
- Please download and complete the submission form: https://cepar.edu.au/sites/default/files/colloquium-abstract-submission-form-2023.docx
- Please email to cepar@unsw.edu.au:
- the completed submission form; and
- the 300-word abstract (see template on page 2); and
- a full paper or an extended abstract of 1 page (single spaced)
- short bio of presenting author(s)
The deadline for submission is 18 August 2023.
Submissions will be assessed by the Program Committee comprising experts from a range of disciplines.
If you would like to discuss a possible topic for presentation, please contact Professor Hazel Bateman at h.bateman@unsw.edu.au.
Registration will open soon; a conference registration fee will apply to all participants (except for the online session on 7 December which is sponsored by IPRA).