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John Piggott

Researchers from ANU and UNSW Sydney have shown how the Federal Government's JobKeeper scheme could be phased down as the economy re-opens and recovery takes shape.

health data

CEPAR researchers Professor Robert Cumming and Dr Saman Khalatbari-Soltani highlight in their recent paper the importance of collecting data on socioeconomic determinants from the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak onwards.

Sharon Parker

In our Mature Workers In Organisations study that we conducted last year, we found that almost one third of respondents have previously had an application for flexible working refused, showing that the acceptance of this practice was far from widespread. Yet now, due to COVID-19, large numbers of us are intensively working from home. How are workers adjusting to this ‘new normal’?

CEPAR researchers are working with the World Bank and the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning to create a powerful social policy tool to improve the economic welfare of millions of people.


CEPAR Chief Investigators Warwick McKibbin and John Piggott, PhD student Nicole Ee, and Associate Investigators Collin Payne and Peter Whiteford are among a group of experts convened by the Group of Eight (Go8) universities to offer advice to the Australian Government on responding to the challenge of recovering from the current state of pandemic shut-down.

Positions available

A multi-university team led by Professor Susan Thorp, with Professor Hazel Bateman, Associate Professor Isabella Dobrescu, Professor Benjamin Newell and Robbie Campo (Cbus), have been awarded funding in the latest rounds of ARC Linkage Projects outcomes.

East Asia Forum

In their recently published East Asia Forum article, CEPAR Research Fellow Dr Bei Lu and UNSW Associate Professor Bingqin Li discuss the role of community-level action during the lockdowns in China in minimising the spread of COVID-19.


Taking money out of your super can come at a high cost which is not apparent until much further down the track, says Rafal Chomik, CEPAR Senior Research Fellow at UNSW Sydney.

Sharon Parker and Daniela Andrei CEPAR

CEPAR researchers Sharon Parker and Daniela Andrei received the Curtin University's Faculty of Business & Law 'Research & Innovation Award 2019'.