Over 180 pension regulators, researchers and policymakers, representing over 50 countries, participated in the 9th International Pension Research Association (IPRA) Conference on 12 June 2024 at the OECD in France and online, to discuss and debate some of the most pressing pension and retirement issues around the world.
The annual conference is hosted by IPRA in collaboration with CEPAR, the OECD, the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS), Netspar, and the Pension Research Council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
IPRA is an international organisation established with the aim of improving the quality and impact of research on pensions and related ageing issues to optimise social and economic outcomes for an ageing world. Individual researchers and organisations, including policy groups from across the world, interested in pensions and related ageing issues, are welcome to join IPRA.
This year, the IPRA conference program included presentations on spending and decumulation in retirement; financial and retirement planning decisions; and technology and AI in pensions, which were presented by internationally renowned experts and researchers:
- Marie Brière (Amundi Investment Institute, Université Libre de Bruxelles & Paris Dauphine PSL University): Human-Robot Interactions in Investment Decisions
- Carlos J.S. Lourenço (ISEG, University of Lisbon): Whose Algorithm Says So: The Relationships Between Type of Firm, Perceptions of Trust and Expertise, and the Acceptance of Financial Robo-Advice
- Eduard Ponds (Tilburg University and APG): Explaining the Valuation of Annuities and Lump Sum Options
- Susann Rohwedder (RAND): Spending Trajectories after Age 65 and Implications for Economic Preparation for Retirement
- Jillian Ross (MIT CSAIL): Can ChatGPT Plan your Retirement? Generative AI and Financial Advice
- Gopi Shah Goda (Stanford University): Are Retirement Planning Tools Substitutes or Complements to Financial Capability?
- Susan Thorp (The University of Sydney Business School and CEPAR): The Impact of Information Architecture on Retirement Savings Decumulation
- Luigi Ventura (University of Rome) and Charles Yuji Horioka (Kobe University): Do the Retired Elderly in Europe Decumulate Their Wealth? The Importance of Bequest Motives, Precautionary Saving, Public Pensions, and Homeownership
- Trond Vigtel (Statistics Norway): Work Less But Stay Longer - Mature Worker Response to a Flexibility Reform
The keynote on The Role of Financial Literacy, Education, and Advice in Financial and Retirement Planning Decisions was presented by Pierre-Carl Michaud, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at HEC Montréal, Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy and Scientific Director of the Retirement and Savings Institute.
Professor Michaud called in his keynote presentation for an urgent need to better understand how financial literacy impacts decisions, as the financial landscape becomes increasingly crowded with complex decisions that households must make. The keynote presentation highlighted some of the challenges researchers face when addressing these questions, both in the field and in experimental settings, through a series of applications drawing from existing research.
Presentation slides are available online here.
Recordings of the presentation talks are available for IPRA members on the IPRA website.