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New Population Projections for Australia and the States and Territories, with a Particular Focus on Population Ageing

Tom Wilson and Jeromey Temple

Abstract: The recent release of preliminary rebased Estimated Resident Populations for 2021 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides updated populations on which to base new population projections for Australia. New projections are necessary because of the disruption to demographic trends caused by Covid, rendering even quite recently produced projections out-of-date. This paper presents new population projections for Australia and the states and territories for the period 2021-2041. The paper describes the input data used, projection assumptions made, and an outline of the projection model. Key features of projected population ageing are presented, followed by brief projection profiles of Australia and the states and territories. Population projections data is available at the Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) Population Ageing Futures Data Archive (https://cepar.edu.au/cepar-population-ageing-projections)

Key words: Population projections; population ageing; Australia; States and Territories

This work was supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (project number CE1101029).


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