Research by CEPAR researchers related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Publications |
Andrei, D., Chong, J. (2021): COVID-19 and Mature Workers. CEPAR presentation at the Policy Dialogue on Mature Workers.
Baird, M., Hamilton, M., Gulesserian, L., Williams, A., Parker, S. (2021): An Employer Lens on COVID-19: Adapting to change in Australian workplaces. CEPAR Industry Report 2021/1.
Bateman, H., Campo, R., Constable, D., Dobrescu, I., Goodwin, A., Liu, J., Newell, B.R., Thorp, S. (2020): 20K Now or 50K later? What’s Driving People’s Decision to Withdraw their Super? CEPAR Industry Report 2020/1.
Byles, J., Dow, B., Cornell, V., Lowthian, J. and Tavener, M. (2020). Rapid Response to: Covid-19: control measures must be equitable and inclusive. BMJ.
Chapman, B., Piggott, J. (2020): Transitioning from JobKeeper. CEPAR Working Paper 2020/09.
Chapman, B., Piggott, J.; Dunk, M. (2020): How to Make JobKeeper Last for Longer. The Australian Financial Review. 13 May 2020.
Chapman, B., Piggott, J. (2020): A Pilot Revenue-Contingent Loan for the JobKeeper Transition. Pearls and Irritations. 20 July 2020.
Chomik, R. (2020). COVID-19 and the Demographic Distribution of Health and Economic Risks. CEPAR Fact Sheet 2020/1.
Clarke, P., Roope, L., Barnett, A., Adler, A. (2020): An Exit Strategy for Relaxing Physical Distancing Measures to Prevent the Spread of SARS-CoV-2. BMJ Opinion.
Cumming, R.G., Khalatbari‐Soltani, S., Blyth, F.M., Naganathan, V. and Le Couteur, D.G. (2020): Not all Older Men have the Chronic Diseases Associated with Severe COVID‐19. Australas J Ageing. doi:10.1111/ajag.12839
Doan, D., Reeves, J.J., Sherris, M. (2021): Portfolio Management for Insurers and Pension Funds and COVID-19: Targeting Volatility for Equity, Balanced and Target-Date Funds with Leverage Constraints. CEPAR Working Paper 2021/01.
Fang, H., Wang, L., Yang, Y. (2020): Human Mobility Restrictions and the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China. NBER Working Paper No. 26906. DOI: 10.3386/w26906.
Fernando, R., McKibbin, W. (2021): Macroeconomic Policy Adjustments due to COVID-19: Scenarios to 2025 with a Focus on Asia. CAMA Working Paper 17/2021.
Firouzi-Naeim, P., Rahimzadeh, G. (2020): The Role of Labor Unions in Response to Pandemics: The case of COVID-19. CEPAR Working Paper 2020/18.
Group of Eight Australia (2020): COVID-19 Roadmap to Recovery – A Report for the Nation. CEPAR researchers Ee, McKibbin, Payne, Piggott and Whiteford are involved as taskforce members (read more).
Hamilton, M. (2020): Carers Need Respite from Care. COVID-19’s Limiting the Options & Pushing Many to Breaking Point. Women's Agenda, 5 May 2020.
Hwang. J., Ginnivan. N., Simpson. P., Baidawi. S., Withall. A., Williams. B. and Butler. T. (2021). COVID-19 and Incarcerated Older Adults: A Commentary on Risk, Care and Early Release in Australia. International Journal of Prisoner Health.
Iles, L., and Parker, S. K. (2021): Age Bias in the Time of Coronavirus: Implications for Research and Practice. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Pandemic Commentary.
Khalatbari-Soltani S., Cumming R.G., Delpierre C. et al. (2020): The Importance of Collecting Data on Socioeconomic Determinants from the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Outbreak Onwards. J Epidemiol Community Health. DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-214297.
Keane, M., Neal, T. (2020): Consumer Panic in the COVID-19 Pandemic. CEPAR Working Paper 2020/12.
Keane, M., Neal, T. (2021): Consumer Panic in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of econometrics, 220(1), 86–105.
Klonek, F. E., Kanse, L., Wee, S., Runneboom, C., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Did the COVID-19 Lock-Down Make Us Better at Working in Virtual Teams? Small Group Research.
Li, B., Lu, B. (2020): How China Made its COVID-19 Lockdown Work. East Asia Forum. 7 April 2020.
Matheson, R., Judd-Lam, S., Hamilton, B., Baird, M. (2020): Working Remotely Can Work for Carers: What Employers Have Learned from COVID-19 and How They Can Champion Change. Carers + Employers Briefing.
McDonald, P 2020, A Projection of Australia’s Future Fertility Rates, Centre for Population Research Paper, The Australian Government, Canberra.
McKibbin, W., Fernando, R. (2020): The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios. CAMA Working Paper 19/2020. CEPAR Working Paper 2020/02.
McKibbin, W., Fernando, R. (2020): The First Economic Modelling of Coronavirus Scenarios is Grim for Australia, the World. The Conversation, March 3, 2020.
McKibbin, W., Fernando, R. (2020): Global Macroeconomic Scenarios of the COVID-19 Pandemic. CAMA Working Paper 62/2020.
McKibbin, W., Fernando, R. (2020): COVID-19 Macroeconomic Modelling Results Dashboard.
McKibbin, W., Vines, D. (2020): Global Macroeconomic Cooperation in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Roadmap for the G20 and the IMF. Oxford Review of Economic Policy.
McKibbin W., Fernando R. (2020). The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios. Asian Economic Papers.
Mitchell, O.S. (2020): Building Better Retirement Systems in the Wake of the Global Pandemic. CEPAR Working Paper 2020/13.
Parker, S., Knight, C., and Keller, A. (2020): Remote Managers Are Having Trust Issues. Harvard Business Review.
Parker, S. et al. (2020): The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mature individuals in Australia.
Petery, G. A., Parker, S. K., & Zoszak, L. (2021). The Importance of Psychological Contracts for Safe Work During Pandemics. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Pandemic Commentary.
Petery G. et al. (2020): Could work be a protective factor for mature workers during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Petery G. et al. (2020): Mature workers and health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Petery G. et al. (2020): Mature workers adapt to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pouwels, K.B., Roope, L.S.J., Barnett, A. et al. (2020): Group Testing for SARS-CoV-2: Forward to the Past?. PharmacoEconomics Open. DOI: 10.1007/s41669-020-00217-8.
Sinclair, C., Nolte, L., White, B.P. and Detering, K. (2020). Advance care planning in Australia during the COVID-19 outbreak: now more important than ever. Internal Medicine Journal. 50(8), 918-923.
Truxillo, D.M., Cadiz, D.M., Brady, G.M. (2020). COVID-19 and its Implications for Research on Work Ability. Work, Aging and Retirement.
Wilson, T., Temple, J. & Charles-Edwards, E. (2021): Will the COVID-19 pandemic affect population ageing in Australia? Journal of Population Research. The data sets are available here.
Other research related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Researchers |
Topic |
Anstey et al. |
The COVID IMPACT Study: Interdisciplinary M-health Research and Policy Guidance An evaluation of the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health symptoms, health behaviour, and service use based on an additional questionnaire to be included in an existing survey of 1,000 middle aged adults |
Bateman, Hanewald, Ho |
Online surveys on reverse mortgages and ‘mental accounts’ with modules investigating the financial and emotional impacts of COVID-19 |
Khalatbari-Soltani, Stanaway, Blyth, Naganathan, Cumming | Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 among older people: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project |
McKibbin, Fernando |
Global macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19 |
Parker et al. |
An analysis of the COVID-19 impacts of working from home on mature individuals in Australia |
Enquiries cepar@unsw.edu.au