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Professor Michael Keane
Stream Leader - Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing
Primary affiliation:
Professor of Economics and ARC Laureate Fellow, UNSW Sydney
Research streams: Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing; Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy; Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life
Michael Keane is an Australian Laureate Fellow and Professor of Economics in the UNSW Business School. Several independent sources have placed Michael Keane among the top economists internationally in terms of citations and the impact of his work. Recently he was ranked as top economist in the 1990 PhD cohort by Research Papers in Economics (RePEc). He is considered to be a world leader in choice modelling and his expertise is sought both nationally and internationally. In 2009 he prepared a report on tax transfers and labour supply for the Australian Treasury’s Commission on Australia’s Future Tax System. He has been a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund at various times throughout his career.
He was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society in 2005, a Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) in 2021, and in 2018 was elected to the Econometric Society Council. He won the Kenneth Arrow Award in 2008, was named an Australian Federation Fellow in 2005 and was awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship in 2011. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Econometrics and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.
Keywords: Labour Economics; Empirical Microeconomics; Econometrics; Decision Making and Consumer Choice Behaviour; Marketing; Health Economics
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