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Research Students

Jessica Amos

BSc Applied Psychology (Hons 1), University of Kent, UK

PhD Student, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Professor Kaarin Anstey


Dr Lidan Zheng, Dr Sophie Andrews

Thesis Topic:
Exploring the Factors that Promote or Hinder Behaviour Change in the Context of Cognitive Ageing and Dementia Risk Reduction Intervention

Robert Annabel

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-Op) (Honours)

Masters of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies

PhD Student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Business School


Professor Hazel Bateman, Professor Arghya Ghosh, Associate Professor Scott Donald, Adjunct Associate Professor Anthony Asher

Thesis Title: 

Company-level GHG emissions and institutional investors’ active ownership

Nur Cahyadi

Master of Social Research (Advanced), School of Demographuy ANU; Master of Economics, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

PhD Student, School of Demography, ANU 


Dr Iwu Utomo, Dr Collin Payne and Dr Brian Houle

Thesis Title: 

Developmental Trajectory of Late-life Functional Disability in Low-Middle Income Settings: Evident from Indonesia

Md Khademul Islam Chowdhury

MEcon, ANU

PhD student, Research School of Economics, ANU

Supervisors: Dr. Cagri Kumuru, Associate Professor, CBE, ANU

Thesis title: Implications of wealth, capital income and estate taxations at the present of differential mortalities

Sol Chung

Master of Philosophy (Finance); Master of Economics (Financial Economics and Econometrics) and Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Economics) - USYD

PhD Student Finance, Business School, The University of Sydney


Professor Susan Thorp and Dr Maichael Shin

Thesis Topic:

Essays in understanding consumer decision making: Mortgage choice and consumption and investment behaviour

Mark Cooper-Stanbury

BSc, Australian National University

PhD Student, Centre for Health Policy, School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne


Associate Professor Jeromey Temple and Professor Briony Dow and Dr Tom Wilson


Dr Tom Wilson 

Thesis Title: 

Equity for Our Elderly: The Supply and Demand Factors Associated with Equitable Access to Residential Aged Care

Nicole Ee

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours), First Class Honours, Australian National University; Bachelor of Laws, Australian National University

PhD Student, NeuRA, UNSW Sydney


Professor Kaarin Anstey and Dr Ruth Peters 

Co-Supervisor: Dr Fiona Matthews

Thesis Topic:

The impact of social engagement on cognitive health and wellbeing in older adulthood: An investigation of barriers, enablers and mechanisms 

Roshen Fernando

BSc Engineering (Hons), University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka; Master of Business Administration, University of West London UK; Master of Financial Economics, University of Colombo Sri Lanka; Master of International & Development Economics, ANU

PhD Student, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU


Professor Warwick McKibbin, Dr Larry Liu and Professor Renee McKibbin

Thesis Topic:

Macroeconomic consequences of COVID-19, Climate Change and Antimicrobial Resistance

Abigail Hansen

BSc Psychology (Hons), Flinders University

PhD Student, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, CEPAR


Professor Kaarin Anstey


Dr Tuki Attuquayefio, Emeritus Professor Michael Regan and Dr Kim Kiely

Thesis Topic:

The effects of age on trust, acceptance and use of advanced-driver assistive systems

Jana Koch

M.Sc., Technical University of Munich, Germany
B.Sc., University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany

PhD Student, School of Psychology at UNSW

Supervisors: Prof Kaarin Anstey

Co-Supervisors: Dr Brooke Brady, Dr Lidan Zheng


Thesis Title: Social influences on factors of successful ageing


Ebony Lewis

Bachelor of Nursing, ACU; Master of International Public Health, UNSW

PhD Student, School of Psychology, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales


Dr Ruth Peters, Professor Kaain Anstey and Professsor Kenneth Rockwood

Thesis Topic:

Frailty and Cognition Over the Adult Life-Course

Jiu Lian

MEcon, ANU

PhD student, Research School of Economics, ANU

Supervisors: Dr. Cagri Kumuru, Associate Professor, CBE, ANU

Thesis title: Social security reforms and business dynamism in ageing societies

James Lian

BPsych (Hons) UNSW

PhD Student, School of Psychology, UNSW


Professor Kaarin Anstey


Dr Kim Kiely and Dr Bridget Callaghan

Thesis Topic:

Cognitive Resilience in Ageing

Lingfeng Lyu

MActSt (Extension), UNSW Business School

PhD student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney

Yang Shen and Jonathan Ziveyi


Michael Sherris

Thesis Topic:
Forecasting and Financing Healthy Aging and Aged Care in Australia