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Research Staff

Dr. Akshay Shanker

Bachelor of Economics (Social Science), University of Sydney; Master of Economics, University of New South Wales; PhD (Economics), Australian National University (ANU)


Research Fellow, School of Economics, The University of New South Wales 


Research stream:
Guiding financial decision making

Image of Dr Jeromey Temple
Professor Jeromey Temple

BA Population Studies (Hons), BCom PhD (Demography) ANU

Professor of Economic Demography, Centre for Health Policy, University of Melbourne

Research stream:
Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

Demographic Methods; Economic Demography; Intergenerational Accounting; Population Ageing; Discrimination and Inequalities in Later Life

Michelle Vhudzijena

BA in Biomedical Enginering, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

PhD Student, School of Risk and Actuarial Science, UNSW
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, CEPAR

Senior Research Associate, UNSW Sydney

Research Stream:

Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Chelle Wang

BA, Actuarial Studies and Econometrics, Monash University; BA (Hons), Mathematics, Monash University; PhD, Actuarial Studies, Monash University

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UNSW

Research stream: Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Research Interests: Retirement planning, superannuation, pension, life cycle models, stochastic control and optimization


Dr Ruth Williams

BA, Monash University; BTeach (Hons), University of Melbourne; PhD, University of Ballarat

Research Fellow, Demography and Ageing Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne

Research Stream: Macro-demographic dynamics and population ageing policy


Alison Williams

MCom, focused on Employment Relations, Universty of Western Sydney  

Research Associate, University of Sydney 

Research stream: Work and Organisational Studies


Dr Nikki-Anne Wilson

BAppSci (Psych) With Distinction, Deakin University; BSciPsych (Hons, First), Macquarie University; PhD (Science) | Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UNSW/NeuRA

Research streams:
Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing; Organisations and the Mature Workforce; Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Sophie Yan
Dr Gaoyun (Sophie) Yan

BSc Econ, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; PhD Econ UNSW

Research Fellow, UNSW Sydney

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Health Economics; Retirement Income; Aged Care

Dr Fangfang Zhang

B.Sc(Psych), Beijing Forestry Univeristy, China; M.Sc(Psych), Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; PhD, The University of Western Australia/Curtin University, Australia 


Research Fellow, Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, CEPAR


Research Stream: 

Organisations and the Mature Workforce



Work design (and redesign); Job crafting; Managing age diversity; Career success and employability

Leah Zoszak

Bachelor (Honours) Psychology (First Class), UoW; Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, UWA; Master of Clinical Psychology (In progress), CSU

Applied Organisational Research Specialist (Organisational Psychologist), Curtin University, Western Australia

Research Stream:

Organisations and the Mature Workforce


Fatima Jamal Khan

BSc (Hons) Econ LUMS, MSc Econ Hist LSE

PhD in Economics at the UNSW Business School

Policy Analyst, UNSW Sydney

Research Stream:  Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life 

Keywords: Machine Learning, Longitudinal Study and Cohort Analyses, Macro-Demographic Dynamics & Population Ageing Policy

Trang Le

Master of International Economics, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; Master of Public Policy, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; Bachelor of International Economics and Business, Foreign Trade Unversity, Hanoi, Vietnam

PhD Student, School of Economics, UNSW

Research Assistant, UNSW

Research Stream:

Stream 4 - Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Alwin Lee

BEc; BActSt, UNSW Sydney

Research Assistant, UNSW Sydney

Research Stream: 

Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life



Lingfeng Lyu

MActSt (Extension), UNSW Business School

PhD student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney

Research Assistant, UNSW

Research Stream: Macro-demographic dynamics and population ageing policy; sustainable wellbeing in later life