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Aged Care Policy Dialogue 2013

Cepar researchers at work

Australian aged care policy is on the brink of reform. The Australian Government recently announced a 10 year plan to reshape aged care. The ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and Crawford School are jointly presenting an Aged Care Policy Dialogue to canvass global developments in the area and their relevance to Australia. Two international experts will join a range of Australian politicians, policymakers, researchers and commentators to consider current and future challenges and opportunities for reform. 

Speakers included:

Dr Joshua Wiener, Program Director for Ageing, Disability and Long-Term Care, RTI International 

Dr José-Luis Fernández, London School of Economics

The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing; Minister for Social Inclusion; Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform

Mike Woods, Deputy Chairman, Productivity Commission; Australian Government Commissioner for Competitive Neutrality 

Professor Peter Shergold AC, Chair, Aged Care Reform Implementation Council; Chancellor, UWS

And our own CEPAR Investigators: Professor John Piggott, Professor Hal Kendig, Professor Kaarin Anstey, Professor Peter McDonald.



Thursday, May 2, 2013 - 09:30
End date: 
Thursday, May 2, 2013 - 16:30