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New health economics research by CEPAR researcher Dr Michelle Tew, led by the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the University of Melbourne, has found sepsis can double the costs of cancer care.


A new CEPAR fact sheet on peak performance age in sport analyses the age at which athletes are at their best and how the typical age has changed over time. The study provides insights about how human abilities change with advancing years.

cepar award

The Hal Kendig Prize for the Best CEPAR PhD Thesis in 2020 has been awarded to Dr Md Mijanur Rahman for his PhD thesis on ‘Modelling Trajectories of Aged Care Use among Older Australian Women, under the supervision of CEPAR Associate Investigator Professor Julie Byles and Associate Professor Liz Holliday.

cepar award

CEPAR PhD candidate Doreen Kabuche has presented her research on Longevity risk: Retirement product innovation and risk management strategies at the recent UNSW Business School 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Heat and has won the third place to represent the faculty at UNSW's 3MT Interfaculty Final.


Over 60 researchers, government and industry representatives registered to participate in the CEPAR Mature Workers in Organisations (MWOS) Virtual Symposium on 30 June, with guest speaker Professor Fabiola Gerpott.


The recently released 2021 Intergenerational Report draws in parts on projections and research conducted by CEPAR senior researchers, highlighting the importance and implications of population ageing.


Over 350 academics, policymakers and industry practitioners from 65 countries registered to participate in the 6th International Pension Research Association (IPRA) Conference.


The intergenerational report was sobering, but the reality may be worse, writes CEPAR Senior Research Fellow Rafal Chomik in this The Conversation piece.


CEPAR's Senior Research Fellow Daniela Andrei and Research Fellow Jane Chong presented research on COVID-19 and Mature Workers at the Mature Workers in Organisations Policy Dialogue.