UNSW Sydney announces new pan-university UNSW Ageing Futures Institute to address one of humanity’s most pressing challenges: population ageing. Fifteen CEPAR UNSW researchers are part of a new pan-university UNSW Ageing Futures Institute, led by Professor Kaarin Anstey, a CEPAR Chief Investigator.
The UNSW Ageing Futures Institute is one of four new institutes that have been established at UNSW to focus on finding solutions to major scientific and social challenges confronting society through cross-disciplinary research.
The UNSW Futures provides a framework for facilitating cross-faculty and interdisciplinary work, driving innovative approaches to research, and addressing scientific and social challenges. Fifteen CEPAR UNSW researchers, including six CEPAR Chief Investigators, are involved in the new institute's research program.
“The UNSW Ageing Futures Institute will conduct research and translate it into policy and practical outcomes to enable optimum ageing for individuals and society,” said Professor Anstey.
"We will achieve this by taking a life course approach to ageing which views late life as the accumulation of advantage and disadvantage from birth to death."
“At UNSW Sydney, we already do considerable research into ageing, highly-regarded internationally, and this is in areas ranging from dementia through to superannuation policy. The pan-university UNSW Ageing Futures Institute will provide a framework to bring it all together at UNSW in a truly inter-, multi-, trans-disciplinary institute that leverages our current strengths, to develop novel solutions, to ensure we all age well,” said UNSW Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Nicholas Fisk.
“It will combine the strengths of our Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, our Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, our Centres for Social Policy and Social Research in Health, the Centre for Big Data Research in Health, and our City Futures Research Centre alongside existing collaborations with Neuroscience Australia and the George Institute for Global Health,” he said.
Professor Fisk declared that these Institutes position UNSW as a big picture visionary university of the future.
"The Institutes build on our existing strengths and will act as a drawcard for international recruitment, government and industry links, while harnessing academic excellence to address humanity’s major challenges,” said Professor Fisk.