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CEPAR Chief Investigator Michael Keane elected to The Econometric Society Council

CEPAR Chief Investigator Mike Keane

CEPAR Chief Investigator Michael Keane, Professor of Economics and ARC Laureate Fellow at UNSW Sydney, has been elected to the Council of The Econometric Society, an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics.

Professor Keane is a distinguished economist and econometrician and one of the world’s leading experts in the fields of choice modelling, structural modelling, simulation estimation, and panel data econometrics. His methodological innovations are used extensively in a variety of applied fields including labour economics, health economics and marketing.

Professor Keane’s policy-relevant applied microeconomic research has been published in top outlets in Economics and Marketing including Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy and Marketing Science.

His accomplishments are also recognised through multiple NSF and ARC grants, including Econometric Society Fellowship (2005), Australian Federation Fellowship (2005), Academy of Social Science in Australia Fellowship (2012), Journal of Econometrics Fellowship (2016), and ARC Laureate Fellowship in 2012 which breaks new grounds in decision-making particularly in the context of retirement and health.