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ageing map

"China represents one-fifth of the world’s population and has probably one-quarter of the world’s people aged 60 and above," says CEPAR Director and UNSW Business School economist Scientia Professor John Piggott. 

low fertility 2018

From 2006 to 2016, fertility in Australia remained constant for women with high education while it fell sharply for women with low education. Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) observe this trend may reflect the increasingly regressive nature of government support for families with children.


Some of the leading names in pensions research have come together to create a new international association which aims to promote and advance high-quality social science research on pensions, ageing, and retirement.

Hazel Bateman

Hazel Bateman, CEPAR Deputy Director and a Professor in the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies at UNSW Sydney, has been appointed to a part-time executive role as Director of Academic Strategy in the UNSW Business School.


OECD data now shows a positive correlation between higher female labour participation and higher fertility rates, says CEPAR PhD candidate Daniel Dinale.

Mature workers

CEPAR Chief Investigator Marian Baird and researcher Alison Williams attended the 8th International Community, Work & Family Conference in Valletta, Malta in May 2019. In this article, they share some snippets of the latest research from Europe and the USA on flexible working, family-friendly work practices, employer support for working carers and employee engagement.

John Piggott at the T20 Inception Conference in Japan

G20 countries need to urgently reform their tax systems, improve productivity and rethink conventional macroeconomic policies if they are to protect their economies from the knock-on effects of aging populations, according to a G20 task force.

CEPAR Chief Investigator Mike Keane

The Australian retirement income system has been praised as one of the best in the world, but there is still room for improvement, says CEPAR Chief Investigator Michael Keane, Professor of Economics at UNSW Sydney.


This year, the International Network for Pensions, Aging, and Retirement Research (INPARR) hosted its fourth annual conference at the OECD Headquarters, Paris in June 2019, under their new name International Pension Research Association (IPRA). The international association was formally announced at the conference, and will host consecutive conferences.