Emerging Researchers in Ageing is sponsored by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR)
Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA) present the 19th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing
Theme: Survive and Thrive
4 November 2021, Virtual
The 19th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA 2021) is being co-chaired by Professor Julie Byles (University of Newcastle) and Dr Rachel Winterton (La Trobe University).
ERA 2021 offers a unique opportunity for emerging researchers in ageing to share their research; this is the only national conference in Australia focusing on the work of higher degree research students undertaking research in ageing across a range of disciplines.
An interactive virtual event
The ERA 2021 conference will be held virtually, with new interactive activities to maximise opportunities for participation, including:
- A new Ask the ERA Brains Trust presentation format option, for presenters to get answers to their research questions
- An interactive Research Journey game, developed by Professor Julie Byles and her team, to explore the promises and pitfalls of research in a fun and engaging way
- A Virtual breakout room, for attendees to connect with other emerging researchers during the conference.
All ERA 2021 presentations will be conducted ‘live' via Zoom (i.e., in real-time, not pre-recorded); presenters must be available 10am - 4.30pm AEDT on Thursday 4 November to present live (please check your local time, noting daylight saving).
Call for abstracts has now closed.
The ERA 2021 Conference Organising Committee warmly invited the submission of abstracts from Honours, Master's, PhD, Professional doctoral students, and early career researchers engaged in ageing-related research from any discipline.
Two presentations formats are offered:
- Oral presentation - a 10-minute presentation, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A facilitated by the session chair
- Ask the ERA Brains Trust presentation - a 3-minute presentation, followed by a group Q&A session (alongside 3-4 other presenters) with members of the ‘ERA Brains Trust'
Please download the Abstract Guidelines and Submission Form for further information and submission instructions.
The call for abstracts has now closed.
Please register online at era.edu.au/ERA+2021.
In recognition of the ongoing impact of the pandemic on emerging researchers, conference attendance is heavily subsidised.
Early bird registration (until 8 October 2021) | $50 (AUD) |
Standard registration (from 9 Ocotber 2021) | $75 (AUD) |
Please note all presenters must register no later than 8 October 2021.
Professor Julie Byles
Global Innovation Chair in Responsive Transitions in Health and Ageing
Director of the Centre for Women's Health Research
University of Newcastle
Professor Julie Byles BMed PhD FAAHMS, is Global Innovation Chair in Responsive Transitions in Health and Ageing, Director of the Centre for Women's Health Research at the University of Newcastle and a Director of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health.
As a Fellow and Life Member of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Professor Byles' research interests in ageing include the role of health services, preventive activities, and treatments in maintaining quality of life for older people. She is also Head of the International Longevity Centre - Australia, and Chair of the International Association of Gerontology (Asia Oceania) Social Research and Planning sub-committee.
Professor Byles has excellent experience in mentorship and training researchers at doctoral level. Under her supervision, 37 students have completed research higher degrees at PhD level, six students have completed Masters level and 11 PhD candidates are completing their studies.
Dr Rachel Winterton
Senior Research Fellow and Graduate Research Coordinator
John Richards Centre for Rural Ageing Research
La Trobe University
Rachel is internationally recognised for her expertise in rural ageing studies, with specific expertise in voluntary sector responses to rural population ageing and rural age-friendly communities. She is the current convenor of the Australian Association of Gerontology Rural, Regional and Remote Special Interest Group, and was called as an expert witness to the rural hearing of the Royal Commission for Aged Care Quality and Safety in 2019. Rachel has recently co-edited an international volume on critical rural gerontology, in collaboration with Professor Mark Skinner (Trent University, Canada) and Professor Kieran Walsh (NUI Galway, Ireland). Her research has been published in leading journals such as Health and Place, The Gerontologist, Geoforum and the Journal of Rural Studies.
Twitter: @RachelWinterton
ERA 2021 is supported by a growing national network of conference Ambassadors:
- Professor Marian Baird (The University of Sydney)
- Dr Helen Barrie (University of South Australia)
- Professor Elizabeth Beattie (Queensland University of Technology)
- Dr Elissa Burton (Curtin University)
- Professor Briony Dow (National Ageing Research Institute)
- Professor Anne-Marie Hill (Curtin University)
- Professor Keith Hill (Monash University)
- Professor Lee-Fay Low (The University of Sydney)
- Dr Judy Lowthian (Bolton Clarke Research Institute)
- Professor Evonne Miller (Queensland University of Technology)
- Professor Wendy Moyle (Griffith University)
- Associate Professor Lynne Parkinson (The University of Newcastle)
- Professor Yvonne Wells (La Trobe University)
- Associate Professor Tim Windsor (Flinders University)
Further information
Register with ERA to receive conference information and updates, and follow ERA on Twitter @ERA_Australia.
Please contact era2021@era.edu.au for further information.