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12th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing

Cepar researchers at work

CEPAR is proud to announce the 12th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing of which it is a major sponsor. This year's event is being organised by CEPAR associate Investigators Kate O'Loughlin and Lindy Clemson. Hosted by the Ageing, Work & Health Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney, the ERA conference presents a unique opportunity for research higher degree students in the diverse fields relating to ageing to present their developing research.

CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Robert Cumming will be the keynote speaker this year, presenting on "Public Health and Ageing in sub-Saharan Africa - a personal perspective".

Each year the conference draws an audience of students, academic researchers, practitioners and policy makers and ERA 2013 promises to be an exciting opportunity to network, exchange ideas and discuss the latest in ageing-related research.

The major theme of the conference, "Enabling Active Ageing", focuses on the policy and practice implications of research. It emphasises the impact that the work of emerging researchers has on the field of ageing and the potential their research holds for influencing change.

Monday, November 25, 2013 - 10:30